1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... of the fate she had chosen, Sienna still possessed plenty of resistance for him to enjoy breaking. “Nonsense,” he chided, “you look absolutely radiant, Milady.” Though some might not have shared the same assessment given her current condition, the man spoke with utter sincerity as he stared into his new partner's eyes. At the same time, his hand lazily traced a path from the blonde's shoulder up her neck before settling into a firm grasp of the underside of her chin. Despite a level of intimacy which would be obvious to anyone who caught sight of them, he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “I assure you, there are many ways to enjoy a woman while she is with child. Ways which endanger neither mother nor babe.”
    Sienna gave a heavy gulp at her betrothed's suggestion, but she possessed spine enough and then some to hold his gaze as she gave her stiffest reply yet. “If... if you say so... I am sure it is true.” The baron couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw the hand with which his fiance clutched at her belly pull in just a little tighter as she spoke. Such a sight left him pleased beyond words and only reinforced his decision to take the former knight as his wife. It was tragic, to be sure, but he knew well that many a woman in her situation had been known to let what resentment they might feel towards their conqueror spill over onto the product of such an encounter. Sienna, though, seemed nothing but protective towards his child and hers. As far as the ...
    ... baron was concerned, there could be no stronger evidence that she would make a good mother for his heirs.
    Satisfied, Hyacin leaned forward, his face drifting past the blonde's until they were cheek to cheek and his lips were all but at her ear. It was an undeniably intimate position, but if Sienna was to be his then he no longer cared in the slightest what any onlookers made of their interaction. “Oh, I assure you, it is most certainly true,” he whispered, their bodies so close he could feel the way she shivered in response.
    By the time the emissary sat back up his young bride-to-be was as flushed as he had every seen her and not even the most imperceptive of fools could have missed the way she practically quivered in her chair. She was an utterly delightful sight, timid yet resolved, innocent yet despoiled, proud yet ashamed... and best of all, she was entirely his. Few maidens indeed had ever left the weapon between Hyacin's legs so excited in anticipation of their conquest, nor given him such satisfaction in the aftermath of their surrender.
    Judging by the way she squirmed under her future husband's appraising gaze, it seemed clear Sienna was anything but comfortable with the outcome of their conversation. It had become no less clear, however, that the blonde was a lady who would never shirk from her duties, whatever form they might take. The baron's assessment to that effect was only confirmed when she tentatively offered her unconditional surrender. “In... in that ...