1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... crowded social occasion or another, and they scarcely so much as saw one another after their first few months of matrimony. After that brief honeymoon period had concluded most of Hyacin's days were spent away on official business while his wife remained behind tending to his ancestral home. Over a touch longer than a decade of marriage the couple had spent little more than a year in total, two at the very most, sleeping beneath the same roof. During their time together Phierri had provided her husband two healthy children, a daughter born less than a year after their wedding followed by a son several years later. Eventually, their time together had come to an end when she succumbed to an illness which swept through the marches while her husband was away in some foreign court. Since then Hyacin had been perfectly content to live as a widower, his whims tended to by whatever convenient partners he happened across during his travels. Not that matrimony had ever done much to curb his indulgences.
    Still, while Hyacin may not have set out from home in search of a wife he could easily see the appeal of bringing Sienna back with him. After all, the wannabe knight would certainly make for a more amusing bedmate than the litany of interchangeable serving girls with whom he usually distracted himself between assignments. And he had his children to think about. They could only benefit from once more enjoying the sort of maternal presence they had lacked in recent years, even were it ...
    ... to come from one only a decade or so their senior. Then, of course, there was the undeniable truth that life held a great many dangers and producing an additional heir or two would likely prove advantageous in ensuring that his line survived...
    Yes, the longer Baron Hyacin contemplated taking young Sienna as his wife the more merit he saw in the prospect. So it was decided. “Well,” he finally smiled, “You need not fear. I imagine any decent man should agree to such a reasonable proposal.”
    The look that dawned across the young noblewoman's face at his tacit acceptance of her request bordered on the indescribable. He saw relief and dread writ across her face in equal measure, each tempered by no small amount of shame. All the same, she nodded softly in satisfaction, her voice coming out steadier than it had of late, if no stronger. “It gladdens me to hear you say as such.”
    “But of course, milady,” the baron matched his newly betrothed's nod with one of his own. “And your lord father? He looks favourably upon such a match?” The question had to be asked. Having already assessed the old man Hyacin deemed it unlikely in the extreme that he would object to such a reasonable course of action, but there was no way of knowing whether the subject had already been broached or not.
    Sienna's eyes fell to the table once more and he could see her biting her lip as she glanced away. Her reply, when it came, was so quiet as to scarcely be a whisper. “He... knows I will not receive ...