1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... a better one.”
    “Ah, I believe I understand,” the baron nodded sagely, allowing a modest smile to curl his lips upwards while the girl was looking away. “The Duke is a wise man indeed. But, I must ask, milady, do you truly feel prepared to fulfill the duties of a wife?”
    When the highborn girl turned back to meet his gaze it was with a hesitant look on her face and one hand instinctively resting on her swollen belly. “I believe that I am...”
    “Is that so?” Hyacin frowned, subtly straightening up in his seat so as to appear as stern as possible. “I know not what marriage is like in your fair duchy, but among my people a wife's duties are taken most seriously. It is a demanding calling, one which precludes other pursuits such as, say, knighthood.” The baron used every inch he possessed to look down at Sienna as he gauged her reaction.
    “I am aware,” the girl replied sullenly, making no attempt to disguise her displeasure at the prospect of no longer being permitted her martial indulgences. If the demand came as a surprise, though, she didn't let it show. Unless the baron was gravely mistaken, it seemed his new betrothed truly had considered and accepted the consequences of her decision. That was something he could certainly respect.
    “In that case, I wish you well in this matter,” he smiled, one hand reaching out to caress his soon-to-be wife's shoulder. The blonde flinched back from his touch at first but quickly bit her lip and willed herself to remain in place. ...
    ... That sight was more than enough to widen Hyacin's smile. “I imagine that were your lover present to hear all this, come the morrow he might wish to speak further of the matter with your Lord Father.”
    “That would do my heart well,” Sienna answered, a clearly forced smile decorating her pretty face as she started to turn away. When she tried to do so, however, the ambassador's grip on her shoulder tightened and he pulled her back. “Milord?” she asked when their eyes met once more, trepidation clear in her eyes.
    Hyacin allowed his smile to shift to a more predatory expression as he looked over the young noblewoman seated beside him, taking plenty of time to let his eyes play across every inch of her alluring figure before at last explaining himself. “I imagine,” he began, speaking slowly as if carefully choosing his words were a difficult task, “that your lover might also wish to... reacquaint himself with your beauty after so long apart.”
    Sienna seemed to wilt as the implications of what the baron was suggesting hit home, her eyes going wide even as she shrank back into her seat. “I...” she stammered, her cheeks darkening in an instant, “I doubt he... would care to... to have me... in my current condition.” As she stammered, one of the despoiled maiden's hands fell to cradle her swollen belly.
    His soon-to-be wife's display of hesitance, though, only served to widen Baron Hyacin's grin. It was without question a true delight to know that, despite her apparent acceptance ...