1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... she wore a delicate dress of gold and white cloth which clung tight to her womanly figure in place of the gleaming coat of mail which had obscured those same curves from the baron's view during their initial encounter. The ornate garment she wore now must have been either new or recently modified as it fit perfectly around the prodigious jut of the blonde's swollen belly.
    As he witnessed the change his seed had wrought in his one-time assailant, the veteran ambassador couldn't recall a single moment from all his life in which he had been more completely satisfied. Her defiled body was a glorious sight which proved more than sufficient to stiffen his manhood despite the many layers of formal attire holding it down. There could be no disputing that pregnancy suited the beautiful young noblewoman, and it was no worse a fate than she deserved for assaulting her betters as she had. Even a persistent rumour of having lost her innocence was enough to do serious damage to such a woman's chances of finding a suitable match, after all. Actually bearing a child out of wedlock? Whatever prospects the girl had once had for marriage would have been irrevocably shattered the moment her condition became apparent.
    Fighting hard to mask his mirth, the imperial emissary came to a halt a few paces before his host at the end of the great hall. After removing his hat and briefly bowing exactly as low as protocol dictated and not a fraction farther, Hyacin straightened up once more and met ...
    ... the Duke's eyes.
    β€œI bid you welcome to my domain, your excellency,” the stoic monarch pronounced, acknowledging his guest's formal bow with a crisp nod of his own. His bearing was as formal as could be and devoid of open hostility, but it also utterly lacked the warmth, sincere or otherwise, which usually greeted Baron Hyacin wherever he went. β€œI trust your journey was a pleasant one.”
    β€œAll was as you say, your majesty. My travels have been entirely peaceful of late and your fair realm has no shortage of truly delightful views which I have had the good fortune to behold.” As he spoke, Hyacin couldn't stop his eyes from flitting over to the man's daughter for just a moment. His gaze didn't linger long enough to be entirely certain, but unless he was much mistaken the girl's cheeks were distinctly darker than they had been a few moments prior. Whether that came as a reaction to his remark about delightful views or the subtle reminder of her past errors was impossible to say.
    β€œI am gladdened to hear you say so,” the old Duke replied. Judging by the hint of frost which had slipped into the man's tone Hyacin's momentary indiscretion had not gone unnoticed. It was subtle, though, so subtle that the ambassador suspected few men present would notice it even were they close enough to listen in. He actually found himself rather impressed by that. No doubt even a minor sovereign like the Duke was accustomed to getting his way, yet he was entirely in control of himself despite the ...