1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... was hardly an easy man to please but even he had to admit that the feast his hosts had thrown together seemed at first glance to be among the most impressive he had ever witnessed. It was little more than a pale shadow of those his master hosted, of course, but one couldn't expect too much from a pack of provincials.
    The baron was still taking in the magnificent aromas of fresh bread and roast pig when his eyes began to sweep casually across the crowd before him, eventually coming to linger on one particularly comely maid. She was certainly pretty enough to strike his fancy, what with the bright coppery curls which bounced just so as her head turned and a pair of rosy cheeks that he imagined made her seem to be perpetually blushing. Hyacin couldn't imagine the girl's breasts were much larger than an apple each despite her corset's best efforts at accenting them, but on such a slender frame as she possessed he would have had it no other way.
    As luck would have it the willowy maiden's freckled face turned her admirer's way mere moments after he first spotted her, but when Hyacin quickly flashed her a wolfish grin her cheeks darkened past their natural pink and she promptly turned instead towards the older woman sitting to her left. The pair certainly looked similar enough to be mother and daughter, he mused while giving the elder her own once over, though the companion could perhaps have been an aunt or cousin instead. The ambassador allowed himself an anticipatory grin ...
    ... as he turned forward once more, his target for the evening ***********ed. She was a touch on the young side, perhaps, but that only meant she would be easy prey provided he could separate her from her undoubtedly watchful minder. Once he had, though, the things he would do to her nubile flesh...
    The very moment Hyacin laid eyes on the head table, however, all thought of that budding redhead vanished from his mind in an instant. It took all the experienced diplomat's self-control not to laugh aloud at the sight which awaited him there. His host, Duke Theovaire, sat at the center, the petty sovereign's full regalia no doubt sufficient to cow his own subjects but hardly impressive to one accustomed to the grandeur of an imperial court. At each of the man's sides rested two chairs. The pair to his right were occupied by his sons, both of whom were fully absorbed in their meals. At the opposite end of the table an empty chair awaited the guest of honour's arrival. It was the place in between that chair and the old Duke, however, to which Hyacin's gaze was drawn.
    Theovaire's daughter sat stiffly at his left, the food before her scarcely touched. With her pretty face and long golden locks the young knight was every bit as fetching as Hyacin remembered, but to his great pleasure she was dressed as befit a lady instead of a warrior. Not that she seemed to have much choice in the matter. An elegant diadem pinned back the young aristocrat's intricately woven and braided hair and ...