1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... provocation, the baron was willing to bet her family and their various retainers would spend a generation or two desperate to avoid even the merest hint of imperial displeasure, to say nothing of placating him specifically. The little bitch in question had certainly gone the extra mile in her own efforts to earn herself a pardon, showing up at the door to his chambers that very same night all dolled up and practically begging to be ploughed.
    Naturally, Hyacin had been only too glad to oblige in humbling the arrogant wench. He was, after all, no stranger to using his position as cover to lift a skirt or three. Indeed, after more than a decade in his post he considered himself something of a connoisseur of provincial pussy, a status which came from having sampled the charms of foreign sluts in more than a dozen different lands. Of all the world's many undeniable truths, the fact that every palace, great or small, was packed to the brim with serving girls who knew better than to refuse an important guest had long been first in his mind, and rare indeed was the city without at least one suitable brothel where desperate whores willing to debase themselves for pocket change congregated in the worship of their betters.
    Of course, should such easy conquests alone not prove sufficient to qualify him, the baron could even boast of having had his way with a few highborn sluts here or there, a precious handful of those rare fools either gullible or reckless enough not to spurn his ...
    ... advances outright. Still, as many foreign women as he had taken to bed it was hard to think of even one he had enjoyed working over more than he had that idiot blonde who had been fool enough to attack him while playing soldier. What had her name been? S... something. Sierra? It hardly mattered. She was of little importance, simply an amusing treat he had allowed himself and nothing more. That said, the ambassador had spent much of the last few hours wondering whether the little brat would have the guts to show her face at the upcoming feast or whether she would instead spend his entire visit sulking in her chambers.
    When Hyacin's confident gait finally brought him to the stately doors of Silverwing's throne room, the baron couldn't help but note the collection of local knights standing at attention to each side of that portal. Idly, he wondered whether any had been among those who attacked him on his last visit. With their visors down and their personal shields replaced by heaters bearing the emblem of their lord, however, it was impossible to tell one from another and so he simply breezed past the warriors without paying them a second thought.
    Passing through the throne room doors, the ambassador entered a chamber every bit as crowded as it was elegant, the high-ceilinged space dominated by a quartet of massive wooden tables piled high with food and drink. There must have been a hundred local aristocrats and dignitaries sitting around them, perhaps even more. Hyacin ...