1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... fury he no doubt felt over his daughter's condition. Had the old bastard been born an imperial instead of a provincial he might have been a very great man indeed. It was almost a pity. Almost.
    “As this is your first official reception here at Silverwing,” the Duke carried on without missing even a single beat, “allow me the honour of introducing my children. These are my sons Lucien,” he nodded towards the nearer of the two, a mangy mutt with short brown hair and fresh stains on his clothes, “and Bastien,” the farther, a blonde who looked as marginally better groomed as he was younger. Each of the pair greeted their father's guest with a polite nod of their own before swiftly turning away. They were younger than Hyacin, somewhere in their early twenties most likely, and neither struck the ambassador as particularly noteworthy. Perhaps age or the responsibilities of a throne would shape one or the other into a man of consequence given enough time, but for the moment they appeared to be nothing more than two spoiled, indolent princelings of the sort the world seemed to possess in endless supply.
    “And this,” the Duke rumbled on, “is my daughter, Sienna.” Ah, so that's what the brat's name had been. Sienna nodded stiffly at the ambassador when prompted, clearly struggling to meet his gaze. Hyacin returned the gesture with a wolfish grin that only deepened the disgraced maiden's blush. There was no doubt at all that his presence had brought recollections of their last ...
    ... encounter to the forefront of the girl's mind. Deep beneath his breeches the diplomat's manhood stirred as he let his eyes linger on his former prey. He couldn't help but wonder whether she was wet under that fine dress she wore. The little bitch may have played the blushing maiden at first when she threw herself at him, but once they had retired to bed she had responded as enthusiastically as any whore. Besides, it was no secret that having a child in her belly made many a woman all the more eager to be mounted.
    “The honour is mine, my lord, and might I say it is a true delight to make your acquaintance properly, and the lovely Lady Sienna's as well.” For just a moment Baron Hyacin thought the Duke would rise to his challenge, but instead the old man just let it pass with a grim look on his face.
    “Please, join us for the feast,” the old man gestured to the empty seat on his daughter's left, his voice downright icy.
    “It would be my pleasure, your majesty.” Only after giving a second precisely executed bow did the imperial emissary move to take the seat which had been prepared for him. For once he paid not the slightest mind to the serving girl who pulled out that seat and filled his chalice, no peasant was worth his attention next to the radiant young woman seated to his right.
    For the better part of the next hour Baron Hyacin gradually worked his way through the meal which was set before him soon thereafter, all the while enjoying as best he could what passed for ...