1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... than she could tell whether the subtle squeeze which the fingers cupping her ass delivered a few heartbeats later was a deliberate act or simply the routine twitch of an exhausted body.
    Whether the baron's expressions of approval at her tentative embrace were real or simply an imagined fantasy, Sienna neither felt nor saw anything further for quite some time afterwords. Laying in the dark beside her unexpected bedmate, she was surprised to find herself unable to follow him into the realm of dreams. As exhausted as she felt, her mind and body simply refused to shut down. The latter twitched periodically as the last vestiges of her thwarted arousal stubbornly lingered on, and the former was steadfast in insisting she revisit every last element of her recent encounter. To make matters worse, every once in awhile she found herself distracted by the pool of seed within her belly shifting slightly as if it had broken through some new barrier and found yet another secluded corner of her womanhood within which to pool.
    Inevitably, such reminders of what she soon might carry within herself guided the semi-conscious musings of Sienna's anxious mind down a few paths in particular. When she was yet a child and as she had flowered into womanhood, some of the innocent maiden's older peers and relatives had insisted that in time she, too, would begin to feel a certain urge towards the miraculous journey of motherhood. It would present as a subtle yearning at first, or so they said, ...
    ... but one that only grew as the months and years ticked by. There had been a time when Sienna vociferously denied such assertions, but in recent years she had started to understand where they were coming from. Certainly, many aspects of carrying and raising a child gave her pause, not least among them what pregnancy would mean for her martial career, but at the same time there was an undeniable... appeal... to the thought of shepherding a new life into the world.
    Of course, when the intrigued lady-knight had caught herself imagining the father of her potential children he had always been far more caring and considerate of a man than the one in whose arm she was currently cradled. One much closer to herself in age as well. And, naturally, it went without saying that she hardly fancied the thought of carrying even a single child sired by a man who had forced himself on her, no matter how well such an assailant dressed the occasion up with honeyed words and feigned chivalry. Her children deserved a better father than that by far. Still, while the shame brought on by her current ordeal would likely plague her for months or years to come the act itself had been far less taxing a trial than she had anticipated. Perhaps, once the current crisis had died down, it was time she pulled her father aside and informed him that she might just be willing to reconsider her stance on his oft-stated goal of finding a husband for his only daughter. She wasn't ready to be married, not yet, but... ...