1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... perhaps being courted would not be such a terrible thing after all. As the duke was wont remind her every chance he got, it wasn't like she would remain young forever.
    Sienna was still contentedly imagining the face of the man to whom she might just give herself (his strong, chiseled jaw... his tidy, thick beard... the sort of piercing eyes which would be able to see right through her feigned disinterest...) when a sudden noise snapped her from her reverie. While exhaustion had left the drowsy maiden far too sluggish to truly catch that initial interruption, her warrior instincts came alive a second later leaving her tense as she patiently awaited any indication of danger. A moment later the sound came again, but from far closer than she had anticipated. A loud snore, and nothing else, erupted from the man beside Sienna with such force that she only barely managed to avoid jumping clear out of her skin.
    Blushing ferociously, the blonde knight closed her eyes and forced her rampant nerves to settle down. For a moment, she scowled at the revelation that Baron Hyacin was prone to snoring. More than a few of her comrades suffered from that particular failing, and the presence of such men on assignments which stretched long enough to require a night or two of camping always made the prospect of falling asleep far more of a challenge than it ought to be. Spending a night in bed with one was thus an entirely unappealing prospect. After a moment or two, though, the young ...
    ... warrior remembered how difficult it could be to wake a man once his snoring had started up. Eyes narrowing, Sienna contemplated whether it would be worth trying to disentangle herself and slip away if the baron truly was such a deep sleeper. No doubt he wouldn't take kindly to being woken up if she failed, but then he hadn't actually laid out any demands that she stay the night either.
    Deciding that an escape attempt was worth the risk, the deflowered maiden carefully lifted her hand up off the slumbering baron's chest and reached behind herself to grab his wrist. Her eyes remained fixed on the man's face, warily watching for any signs that he was about to stir, but no such indications came even when she carefully pulled his hand far enough away to give herself room for maneuvering. Once she was free of Hyacin's grip, moving slowly and carefully to the edge of the bed without disturbing him became a simple matter. Upon reaching her destination, Sienna silently rose to her feet, gathered up the scant few garments which had decorated her nubile figure an hour or three prior, and swiftly slipped them back on. After that only one last test of the anxious maiden's good luck remained, a heavy door of aged oak which stood as the final barrier between her and freedom. Fortunately, the eternals seemed to be on Sienna's side as a quick prayer that the door make no sound was answered in the affirmative. With no further cause to linger, she swiftly slipped out into the moonlit hall and ...