1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... mere seconds she tried to hold her head up, but doing so quickly became tiresome and so eventually she let it settle down onto her conqueror's shoulder. When a moment later he lazily turned towards her, let their eyes lock for a long moment, then leaned in to plant a lingering kiss on her forehead, the blonde knight found herself utterly dumbfounded. She was so thoroughly stunned by the act that she had offered no response at all, either positive or negative, by the time the man let his head fall back into some pillows and at last closed his sharp green eyes.
    Once again caught entirely off her guard by an act of what seemed almost genuine affection and intimacy, Sienna found herself gazing tentatively into the baron's now-serene features. Before her was a man who had coerced her into his bed by threat of arms, ravaged her with the ferocity of a wildman, left her rump so sore it was more like than not to still be glowing come the morn, and then ignored her desperate pleas to instead spend himself inside her. Not a single one of those acts spoke of so much as respect, let alone affection, yet in their wake the man was holding her as close as he might a childhood sweetheart without whom life was unimaginable. Could that disparity simply be chalked up as one more contradiction in a night which seemed utterly full of them, or had the foreigner come to actually... like her?
    As that question surged through those few of Sienna's weary synapses which had yet to shut down for ...
    ... the night, the blushing maiden tried to make herself if not comfortable then at least not uncomfortable either. Such a task proved challenging, however, as the position Baron Hyacin had trapped her in was more than a little awkward what with her perched on her side with one arm trapped beneath their bodies and the other laying limp up above. Likewise, the rather aggressive intimacy of a largely unfamiliar bedmate pawing possessively at her rump only served to amplify that seemingly endless font of raw anxiety which washed over Sienna in such force as to prevent her from relaxing. With a range of movement limited to only what that grip would allow, though, she could do precious little to make herself more comfortable save slide marginally up or down the man's side, choose how much of her leg to drape over his, and reposition her one free arm. She tried several iterations of the last, but nothing quite seemed to help her settle in until she tentatively decided to curl it inwards and place it atop the baron's broad chest.
    By that point the candles which had illuminated Silverwing Keep's finest guest chamber earlier in the evening had long since burnt out, leaving it nearly impossible for those inside to make out any but the broadest details of whatever lay before their eyes. Still, with her face so close to the imperial envoy's, Sienna thought she could see his lips curl slightly upwards when her hand came to rest above his torso. She couldn't be certain though, not any more ...