1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... his weight, Sienna would have been free to put as much distance as she dared between herself and the baron had a new conundrum not arisen to distract her from that possibility. So long as he had remained inside of her, the foreigner's softening cock had served as a stopper for her ravaged channel in much the same way a cork did for a bottle of wine or spirits. In his absence, the vast reservoir of seed which he had left pooled inside her was suddenly unbound and already she could feel it slowly beginning to drain out of her womanhood.
    Unnerved by the bizarre sensation that exodus left her with, Sienna acted without thinking and shifted the hand cradling her belly down to cover her sex instead. The freshly-deflowered knight blushed furiously as that hand arrived to find her once pristine snatch gaping open and utterly drenched in a sticky blend of her and the baron's combined emissions. Feeling like nothing so much as a little girl trying to contain an overfull bladder, she sealed that entrance with the palm of her hand and swiftly buried her blazing face even deeper into the pillows before her. The sensation of warm, sticky seed welling up from her depths to ooze out against her hand was enough to make Sienna's skin crawl, but she simply didn't know what else to do. And before she began to even contemplate what alternatives might exist, all were taken from her.
    “C'mere,” the man beside Sienna absently mumbled, everything from his voice to his laboured breathing making ...
    ... clear that he was nearly as drained as she was. Perhaps even more so. Before the warrior maiden could take advantage of their newfound parity, however, his hand was stretching across her back to grip at the shoulder opposite him and then he was pulling her to his side. She tried to squirm away, tried to put some space between them instead, but between her desperate insistence that her thighs remain together and having but a single hand free it proved only too easy for the baron to manhandle her into whatever position he wished.
    Almost before she knew it Sienna found herself face to face with the man who had stolen her innocence, his surprisingly strong body an anchor to which her own nubile flesh was tightly secured. Hyacin had positioned his prey so that her head rested squarely on his shoulder, a placement which allowed the arm beneath to stretch its way down her back to where his hand could clutch tight to the upper cheek of her achingly sore ass. That hand ensured her hips remained snug against his side, in the process trapping between them the despoiled maiden's own which yet served as the daintiest of dams in sealing up her still-leaking pussy.
    The ambassador said nothing more after that, seemingly disinclined towards any activity more strenuous than mere breathing. Judging by how tight he held her, however, it was clear to Sienna that he was not yet prepared to release her from her night's servitude. For what might have been several minutes or nothing more than ...