1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... against the gates of her womb. The sensation which followed a heartbeat later as that liquid warmth began to spread throughout her core was not unlike the shock of a hot drink scalding her throat. Taken together with the way her partner's manhood was running roughshod over all the infinitely sensitive nerves which lay deep within her, however, it blossomed into something indescribably more wondrous.
    Feeling herself filled with a man's seed for the very first time proved as exhilarating an experience for Sienna as it was a terrifying one. Her body seemed to have entirely escaped conscious control leaving her hips to roll enthusiastically against the baron's and her nethers to clench down around his shaft. Even as her body desperately chased its own release, though, a mighty shiver raced up the horrified maiden's spine as her thoughts leapt insistently to the possibility that her partner might even then be siring a child within her. Such a prospect was every bit as daunting as that of what would have happened had she refused the man's attentions, but it did little to dampen her body's riotous reaction to being claimed in the most primal of ways. If anything, the adrenaline rush that fear prompted only added fuel to the fire burning within her core as her body frantically sought out that promised bliss which lay just out of reach.
    Tragically, such a pursuit was destined for futility. Sienna's hips were still desperately twitching when the man inside and atop her at last ...
    ... collapsed and fell still, her thighs flexing and unflexing in a vain attempt to force that last little bit of stimulation which might have been enough to trigger her own climax. Without the baron's aid, however, the nubile knight never stood a chance and soon her blossoming ecstasy started to taper off. Before long she was left with nothing but an ache between her legs, an occasional disappointed flutter within her core, and an uncomfortable feeling of utter fullness.
    With her frenzied mind racing in a dozen different directions all at once and the tantalizing taste of an unrealized orgasm teasing at the edges of her senses, Sienna had stood little chance of tracking just how many salvos the ambassador's weapon had loosed within her body. Judging by the veritable lake of potential children which suddenly suffused her core, however, she imagined it had to have been a great many. Almost without thinking, the blonde maiden's hands at last released their grip on her monumentally sore ass allowing one to drift up and clutch instead at her belly. However much seed had actually been pumped into her, that perfectly-sculpted plane seemed to possess no more curve than ever, though. How such a thing could be when she felt so obscenely stuffed, Sienna couldn't say.
    It was such thoughts which dominated the despoiled maiden's fatigued mind when her authoritative partner eventually recovered enough to give a mighty groan and roll away to one side. Suddenly released from the anchor of ...