1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... man was nearing his peak.
    Maiden though she may be, Lady Sienna was no fool. Many a long year had gone by since she reached the age at which a young lady was taken aside and taught how her body worked, so while it was her first time laying with a man she knew full well the risks inherent in such a coupling. Whether or not she had yet felt any urge to rear a child of her own could hardly have been less relevant, as there was not a single scenario in which her current bedmate was the man she would have chosen to do so alongside. It was with that thought firmly entrenched in her mind that the desperate knight found her voice for the first time since getting undressed.
    It took more effort than she would have cared to admit for Sienna to lift her head and crane it far enough around to see the baron while deprived of the use of her hands, but she seriously doubted the man would look any more kindly on a second attempt to defy his orders than he had her first. The anxious maiden was rather motivated, though, and so a few wriggles later she had managed the feat. “You... you have to...” she began, trying to seize hold of the baron's attention with her eyes even as her voice caught in her throat. Getting no response, she tried again a little louder, “You can't... not in me...”
    Several moments and a third attempt at begging were required before Sienna's conqueror at last deigned to acknowledge her pleas. Though his reaction, once it came, almost left her wishing she had said ...
    ... nothing. The baron didn't so much as glance down at his partner's face before proceeding to dismiss her concerns in the most callous way imaginable. With such a flurry of motion that she didn't even realize it was happening until too late, one of the man's hands found its way to the back of Sienna's head and harshly shoved her forward. The blonde managed only a momentary yelp of surprise before being effectively silenced, her face ground down into the fluffy pillows beneath with no more subtlety than Hyacin had shown in bruising her ass.
    Any further attempts at protest on Sienna's part wound up so muffled by the downy pillows before her that even she could scarcely make out their feeble mewling. While hardly enamored with her new position, the mutely-squealing knight found herself helpless to escape it thanks to the weight of a decently-sized bedmate pinning her down and the presence of his hand planted firmly against her skull. As such, she could do little to avert whatever conclusion the man had in mind for their sordid tryst. And if there was any doubt as to just what that ending would be, it was dispelled a few heartbeats later by the series of triumphant groans which heralded her partner's imminent climax.
    Trapped as she was, Lady Sienna had little recourse available by which to prevent her imperial conqueror planting his seed inside her body. Scant moments after being forcibly silenced she felt his shaft begin to twitch and the first impact of his seed crashing ...