1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... pillows. She was only just starting to turn back and glance over her shoulder when a sharp blow to her rear made her squeal. A second had landed by the time she could finish craning her neck far enough around to get a good look at the man behind and above her, then a third before she managed to catch his attention. Though less surprising, each made her jump at least as sharply as the first.
    Wide eyed from bewilderment, Sienna met the ambassador's gaze with an unspoken question written plainly across her face. The man just gave her a stern look, however, delivering a fourth swat to her rump before he deigned to provide any actual explanation. “Don't look so surprised, Lady Sienna,” he finally elaborated, “You already confessed your crime. I know not the customs of your land, but where I am from bad girls are punished most severely.” With that warning, a fifth spanking rained down on the young knight's upturned ass, one so hard it left the receiving cheek nearly as red as those on her face.
    Brought on by that blow, another little squeak escaped Sienna's lips before she managed to turn away and hide her blazing face. There was simply no way she could hold the diplomat's gaze, not in the face of his latest punitive fancy. It was unspeakably humiliating for her, a highborn lady and battle-tested knight of the realm, to be disciplined like some child or serving girl who had broken a prized vase or stolen a handful of sweets from the kitchen. Such an ordeal was only made that ...
    ... much more humiliating by the fact that she could undoubtedly have beaten the man delivering it upon her to a bloody pulp had she been given the chance.
    The consequences of any such reprisal, however, were more dire than the young warrior dared even contemplate, let alone invite. So instead of lashing out, she simply buried her head in the pillows before her and resolved to endure this latest indignity. It was Sienna's own mistakes that had brought such humiliation upon herself, after all, and she had known ever since receiving her father's orders that her pride was forfeit for the night. Trying to bring to mind any thoughts might help her weather the coming storm, she meekly bit her lip and lifted her ass ever-so-slightly in tacit acceptance of the baron's intentions. Despite the silk and downy feathers all around her ears, the blushing blonde could hear all too clearly that satisfied chuckle which celebrated her answer.
    No sooner had Sienna presented her rump for 'punishment' than Baron Hyacin delivered her next spanking. That one was followed by another, then five, then a dozen more until the humiliated knight's cheeks stung so fiercely she feared it would be weeks before she could bear riding in a saddle once more. For the next few minutes, each and every blow that struck her ass was punctuated by a gasp, or a yelp, or a whimper that had been dragged forth from her quivering lips. One after another, her protestations grew louder and louder until she couldn't imagine ...