1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... scant few hours since Sienna's assault on the diplomat, the upper hand she once held had been so thoroughly trounced it might as well never have existed and she herself had been reduced to such a powerless state that she could respond with naught but a breathy gasp when Baron Hyacin delivered a new kind of thrust into her pussy, one far less tender and more aggressive than those which had preceded their kiss.
    When a moment later he followed that stroke up with another, even more assertive thrust, Sienna merely whimpered and clutched ever-tighter to his back. Her eyes clenching shut, she put up no resistance as the arrogant foreigner took full advantage of her surrender. Gone was the noble gentleman who had cordially invited her to his bed, such courtesy, however mocking, was replaced instead by the furious rutting of a savage. Suddenly it felt to Sienna as if she had been taken captive by some barbaric warlord from beyond the frontier, one more beast than man who was determined to enjoy her body to the fullest.
    Over the next few minutes the captive lady and her conqueror carried on in much the same vein. Where before Hyacin had been considerate, even gentle, suddenly he was like a man possessed, his body pounding into hers with every last ounce of force it could muster. In response, Sienna could do little more than lay back and accept whatever he deigned to do to her. Within minutes of the baron's transformation, her hands had fled his bucking form for their previous ...
    ... handholds to each side in a desperate effort to brace herself against his ever-harsher assault on her snatch.
    Enduring such treatment hardly dulled Sienna's own arousal, however. If anything, being treated as little more than a helpless prize to be enjoyed sent the shamed knight even further into the throes of passion. Her womanhood had already been slick as far back as the baron's earliest efforts, but in the face of his renewed assault it felt as if a waterfall had begun to pour forth from her core. She was so drenched, in fact, that her partner's every thrust was met with a shameful new squish or squelch the sound of which proved more than sufficient to sustain the ferocious blush which coloured her cheeks even as her legs wrapped encouragingly around the man's hips.
    It was impossible for any but the baron to say what, if anything, prompted the decision, but not long after his shift in temperament Hyacin seemed to tire of taking Sienna as one would a wife. Without providing even the slightest of warnings, he released his grip on her hips and straightened up. For one brief and utterly naive moment, the bewildered maiden thought he might have been finished with her. That illusion, however, was swiftly dispelled a heartbeat later when all of a sudden his hands were at her side and rolling her over. Too far gone to resist even had she not been caught off guard, before Sienna knew what was happening she found herself belly down on the bed with her face buried in a pile of ...