1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... friends not a one had ever led her to believe a man's mouth would be so unlike her own. It was a few seconds before she realized that it was not, in fact, the ambassador's mouth she was tasting but traces of herself left over from his efforts between her thighs. As that realization struck her, the former maiden's cheeks went as red as they had ever been and she caught herself whimpering into his mouth. She had heard, in the barracks for the most part, of men, or even girls of a certain inclination, doing such things to a woman and she could hardly dispute that the act had been positively thrilling to experience. Tasting the residue on her partner's lips, however, felt dirty in the extreme. It wasn't enough to make her pull away from his kiss, though. Not with how eager her body was to go on.
    When Sienna's first kiss was finally broken it wasn't by her but the baron. The lust-addled blonde had no idea how much time had passed when he at last pulled away and lifted himself up to loom a few inches above her face, but it felt like entire ages could have gone by. Her arms proved reluctant in loosening enough to allow for his departure, but in the end she was given little choice. In the lull that followed, Hyacin smiled as he peered down into his panting prey's face and brought one hand up to stroke her cheek. “Was that... ?” he asked, his own breath nearly as heavy as hers.
    Sienna just bit her lip and gave a single demure nod in answer, a ferocious shiver running the ...
    ... entire length of her body at how wide a grin that admission brought to her partner's lips. One part of her wanted nothing more than to smack the man across his smug face. Another was desperate to roll out of bed and sprint for the nearby door. A third yearned to simply lay back and spread her legs as wide as they would go. Yet another insisted she pinch herself in order to wake up from what surely couldn't be real... The overwhelmed knight felt so many impulses, so many instinctive urges fueled by her shame or lust or anger or duty or any of a thousand other competitors besides that they all roiled together in such fierce competition to dictate her response that none could ultimately prove victorious. As such, when the imperial ambassador straightened up and took hold of her hip in one hand while his other stroked up and down her opposite side she did nothing but meekly lay where she was.
    “Not so ferocious now, are you?” the man asked, his lips twisting upwards into an undeniable smirk. Sienna just blushed at that assessment, for she could hardly deny it. As much as she wished she could defend herself, the belittled knight was scarcely able to imagine how feeble she must look laying naked and speechless with her opponent's cock hilted deep inside her womanhood. Their current entanglement was such a far cry from the scene which had played out between them that very same morning that any onlooker could have been forgiven for disbelieving that the latter had even happened. In the ...