1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... length yet remained outside his mewling prey when her arousal reached such a fever pitch that she found her back instinctively arching and her eyes clenching shut. The long moan which sought to accompany that display, however, lasted but a second as the overwhelmed maiden suddenly felt a presence approaching her face.
    In the very same moment that Sienna's eyes flew open once more, the baron's lips met her own in a hungry kiss. Such unexpected intimacy prompted a muffled squeak to erupt from from the blonde knight's throat, but with nowhere else to go it was instantly swallowed up by her aggressive partner. It had perhaps been foolish of Sienna to think she could surrender herself to a man's predations without seeing him also claim the honour of her first kiss, but the shock of that precious milestone being taken from her with but a split second's warning caught her entirely off guard. Across the span of a single heartbeat the feigned chivalry with which her first lover had conducted himself warred against the shame her situation had prompted within her, the casual mastery he had displayed over her body clashing with the fact that she scarcely knew him...
    When Baron Hyacin's tongue pushed past Sienna's parted lips, however, all conscious thought was eradicated from her mind. Indecision gave way to instinct and the sacrificial maiden's nubile body moved on its own to embrace her conqueror. To each side her hands released their deathgrip on the bedsheets, one shifting to ...
    ... wrap instead around the man's back where its thumb began to subtly trace the raised ridge of his largest scar while the other aimed higher and landed on the back of his head where its fingers promptly dove through his thick black hair in search of a firm grip. At the same time Sienna's eyes shut once more and her hips thrust up to meet the baron's, an inaudible gasp passing from her mouth to his as that single motion drew what remained of his shaft inside her body all at once.
    The overwhelmed maiden mindlessly allowed herself to fall into the kiss which followed, her body positively electrified at finally being allowed to enjoy the sort of primal embrace her honour and chastity had so long denied it. The man in her arms may not have earned his place there in the fashion she would have preferred, may not have been the sort of lover she would have chosen for herself at all, but for so long as their embrace lasted it could hardly have mattered less whether or not he had won her heart. His were her first kiss and her first night, hers were a typhoon of contradictory instincts and emotions too convoluted to suss out. In the face of such an overwhelming sensory assault, all the honour in the world couldn't have stopped Sienna's body from responding in kind.
    Initially, the inexperienced warrior was astonished by the salty-sweet taste of her partner's lips and tongue as they danced against her own. In all her whispered conversations with one or another of her more experienced ...