1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... lies. Thus, still biting her lip, the blushing knight gave a single meek nod in answer.
    With bated breath and a maiden's heart racing thunderously beneath her bosom, Sienna merely watched as the ambassador swiftly shuffled up the bed until his hips were nearly level with her own. Her anxious eyes went wide as she watched him line his manhood up against her waiting entrance and her breath caught at the thought of what was to come. When they were undressing that spear of flesh had already struck her as a terrifying weapon, but juxtaposed against her subtle slit it looked downright monstrous. Would it really fit inside of her? Could her body truly stretch enough to accommodate it? And just how deep was it supposed to go? To her eyes the thing about to breach her gates looked long enough to reach her navel, perhaps even farther. Surely that couldn't be right.
    No sooner had Sienna's lips parted to give voice to such fears, though, than Baron Hyacin made his move. The ambassador's hips flew forward with such force that her words never found their form, instead coming out as nothing more than a startled, inarticulate cry. As her partner became the first man to enjoy her body's charms, the young knight's head rolled back and her eyes clenched shut. He had managed to lodge only an inch or two of his length inside her, but it felt like far, far more. Only a moment or two after loosing that initial cry Sienna found herself following it up with a demure moan prompted by the ...
    ... feeling of the ambassador dragging himself back out of her until only the crown of his cock remained inside. Opening her eyes and letting them lock on to those of her conqueror, the former virgin let out an almost pained gasp when he again surged forward to claim just a little more of her channel for himself.
    Small mercy it may have been, but Sienna was at least spared the pain of having her maidenhead sundered in such a fashion. That fragile treasure never had stood much chance of remaining intact long enough to be claimed by a lover, not given how much of the blonde's life had been spent riding horses, sparring, or engaging in other such strenuous activities. Still, the sensation of having her virgin sheathe stretched out to accommodate a man's member was discomforting in the extreme. Fortunately, the baron was patient with his neophyte of a partner, taking enough time for her womanhood to adapt after each new thrust brought him a little closer to her womb. As such, it didn't take long for Sienna's gasps of pain to give way to more lustful exultations or for her hips to start meeting his every thrust with an answering counter of their own.
    While the fire the ambassador's preliminary efforts lit between Sienna's legs had faded in the face of his first few excruciating thrusts, it didn't take long for that internal blaze to rekindle once her body had adapted to its new use. Indeed, soon Sienna's lust had soared to even greater heights than before. Fully a third of Hyacin's ...