1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... became a simple matter of comfort and hygiene. The absence of such feminine fur only made the anxious maiden's cleft stand out all the more clearly against the field of pale, creamy flesh around it.
    Not since her infancy had a member of the rougher sex witnessed Sienna in such a state. Thus, the mere presence of a man scarcely an inch from her bare snatch who she had never so much as heard of when last the sun rose was nearly enough to send the inexperienced noblewoman into a fit. Had she thought her heart could beat no faster, however, she would promptly have been proven wildly naive when her partner abruptly brought his face so near her entrance she could feel his warm breath against her skin. Entirely unprepared for such a development, she gave a gasp of surprise followed by a faint little moan as what could only be the man's tongue suddenly slipped between the gates of her sex.
    The sensation which followed, one so powerful as to border on the indescribable, was unlike anything Sienna had ever experienced before. Her very first sexual partner steered his tongue with a grace and agility that far outstripped anything the chaste maiden's own fingers had ever managed on the rare evenings which saw her give in to the demon of lust and explore her body within the private sanctuary of her own bedchambers. Almost as soon as he began she started to feel her body come alive to his efforts, her eyes clenching shut as the heat in her cheeks and between her legs alike shot ...
    ... skywards like a bird taking flight. Within minutes the sultry soundtrack of Sienna's soft moans had blended together with what the baron's tongue coaxed from her increasingly slick pussy in a flawless rendition of the oldest and most cherished performance humanity had ever produced.
    When the man eventually pulled himself back from the junction of her legs it was with no small amount of shame that Sienna caught herself biting her lip and gazing disappointedly down at him. However hesitant she might have been an hour before at the prospect of laying with a man she scarcely knew, after being on the receiving end of such skill the panting maiden's traitorous body practically burned with a need to at long last be put to its most natural of uses. From cheeks to heaving bosom her skin had flushed to an almost dainty shade of pinkish red and only the foreigner's presence between her thighs kept her from grinding them against one another in desperate pursuit of release.
    “Are you ready?” he asked, a slight strain in his voice the only indication that Hyacin, too, was feeling the call of his most primal instincts. Eternals damn her for giving in, but Sienna couldn't bring herself to lie. As much as she would have preferred being brought to such a state by another, that it had been an honourable husband or at least the dashing prince of some forbidden romance whose efforts had left her so utterly exhilarated, any attempt to deny her desire for more would have been the most transparent of ...