1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Sienna's demure little shake of the head which accompanied it and set the curtain of long golden hair about her shoulders dancing in the candlelight.
    “That is not what I asked, my dear,” he chuckled back, “the two are hardly one and the same.”
    “I am not some wanton peasant wench,” the young noblewoman quickly cut back, her self-control at last starting to waver. “An honourable lady would... would never...” but Sienna's voice faltered, the heat in her cheeks rising visibly as she found herself unable to complete the lie. For what else could such a claim be called given what was about to happen?
    Over on his side of the bed Baron Hyacin just shook his head and sighed. “I sometimes forget how prudish you provincials can be. Trust me, making love is not so dramatic a thing as you make it out to be. I should know, my wife and I had each taken many a lover to our beds before we were ever betrothed and it mattered little in the end.” With that casual assurance, the man reached out and patted the bed beside his latest partner.
    “You have a wife?” the blonde asked, her eyebrows arching in surprise as she went to lay herself down where the ambassador had indicated. Sienna couldn't say for sure just what caused the ripple of discomfort which surged through her at that revelation. It wasn't jealousy, certainly, not when he was a partner she had hardly chosen for herself. Nor was it a fear of scandal, for such a status meant far more for him in that regard than it did for ...
    ... her. Whatever the true cause, though, things were moving much too fast for her to dwell on such concerns for long.
    “I did, once,” the baron answered, providing no further explanation. Intrigued as such a casual dismissal of the matter left her, Sienna had little chance to press her partner for answers as no sooner had she taken up position on her back in the middle of the bed than he answered by placing himself directly between her thighs. By that point the anxious young knight's heart was beating out a ferocious rhythm beneath her breast and she suddenly found her throat too dry to speak. Naturally, Hyacin's hands moving to grasp each side of her last remaining undergarment did little to lessen either predicament.
    Sienna's strong fingers clutched tight to the bedsheets around her as the ambassador took firm hold of those very knickers. Instinctively, she found herself raising her hips up off the mattress as he carefully slid them down and off her body to reveal the precious treasure awaiting him between her thighs. When that last shred of modesty was whisked away the young knight was revealed to be as immaculately groomed as any woman could be, all traces of the soft, downy fur which grew between her legs having been scraped away that very morning. While it was hardly customary for every Leithien woman to groom herself so, for one who spent as much time as Sienna did sweating under layers of tight padding and thick metal which relentlessly soaked up the sun's warmth it ...