1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... unavoidable reaction to her body and despite her initial fears not one man among her comrades had ever conducted himself in an untoward fashion. Indeed, though at first more timid about her interest than they were, in time she too had allowed herself to enjoy witnessing the spectacle of her comrades' admirably-sculpted bodies.
    Having such experience in being observed undoubtedly left Sienna better prepared than another maiden in the same position might have been, allowing her to stand tall in proud defiance of her nerves rather than wilt before the ambassador's hungry gaze. Despite every instinct to cover herself, the stubborn warrior remained silent and stoic as Hyacin's eyes wandered across the majestic tapestry of her nubile flesh. Starting with her pretty face and wandering all the way down past her long, sleek legs the man seemed to drink in the sight of her as if she were the sweetest of wines. In truth, however, Sienna had more in common with a robust meal than a sugary treat. Feminine bodies as powerful as hers were a rare sight in civilized lands, but judging by where his eyes lingered her appraiser seemed to appreciate her all the more for the strength she possessed.
    Where most maidens who shared her age and station boasted lean, coltish figures and smooth, unbroken skin, Sienna's body made perfectly clear the sort of life she had lived. She may not have been a match for the full bulk and brawn most of her male comrades exhibited, but from her powerful thighs ...
    ... and sturdy arms to her chiseled torso every inch of the young warrior's body made perfectly clear that she was not one to be taken lightly. Perhaps even more worthy of note was the collection of largely faded scars which documented a litany of skirmishes and some of her more egregious training accidents.
    When at last the baron finished his inspection and his eyes rose once more to Sienna's face, he gave her another odd little twist of the head coupled with a nod which seemed almost a gesture of respect. It was... jarring, to say the least, but she had little time to process the implications before he swept one arm towards the bed and asked “Shall we retire, my dear?”
    Giving the man no response save for a curt little nod, for behind her facade of confident stoicism the blushing young knight was entirely too nervous to trust her own voice, Sienna turned in the direction he had indicated and took a few cautious strides to one side of the altar on which her honour, pride, and virtue would be made a sacrifice to the safety of her people. As she took a seat on the edge of that mattress, Baron Hyacin claimed his own place across from her. “Have you ever shared a man's bed before, Lady Sienna?” he asked after they each settled into position and she reluctantly turned towards him once more.
    “I am not yet married,” she answered, simply and quietly. One side of the baron's lips curled upwards at his imminent conquest's response, prompted either by the denial itself or perhaps ...