1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... feelings for. Still, she knew enough of the world to be familiar with the fate which awaited her should his nation invade and she find herself captured, in battle or otherwise. However much she might loathe being compelled to entertain a single imperial aristocrat in private the thought of being taken in public by a dozen or more of his lowborn countrymen was infinitely worse. By that reckoning she knew it would be better by far to swallow her pride and allow the ambassador his price now even before considering the fate which would befall the countless others who would surely suffer alongside her were she to invite imperial wrath by defying him.
    With such dread of the alternative only reinforcing her resolve to endure the trial set before her, young Lady Sienna stood with her back straight and her chin held high as she lifted one hand to gently take hold of the delicate strap of lace which ran above her left shoulder. Her hand trembling but a little, she carefully slipped that strap past her shoulder until it hung loosely against her well-defined triceps, then repeated the same display on her other side. With that, the thin, pink shift was suddenly held up by naught but a solitary wrist clutching tight to its owner's bosom. After one last deep breath, Sienna finally pulled that wrist away and let her arms drop to her sides. In the absence of any support the feminine knight's wispy wrapping fluttered down around her body like a waterfall of lace and pink silk, only ...
    ... momentarily caught up by her slender hips on its way to the floor.
    No sooner was his visitor bare above the waist than the admirable restraint with which Baron Hyacin had conducted himself, barring a single thorough inspection upon Sienna's initial arrival, at last came to an end as he let his eyes wander below her shoulders once more. Under the weight of that hungry gaze, the blushing maiden suddenly felt a wave of goosebumps rippling out across her body. Though seldom caring to flaunt her beauty, Sienna knew herself to be an attractive young woman. Had she ever been possessed of any insecurities in that regard they would have long since been dispelled by the lingering looks many of her fellow knights frequently cast over her body as they aided one another in or out of their bulky suits of armour.
    As much as they might have respected her and her fellow lady-knights as warriors and sisters-in-arms, the majority of Lady Sienna's comrades were still prime examples of hot-blooded masculinity with an innate appreciation for any feminine body even half so alluring as hers. And though the snug padding a knight wore beneath heavy armour left little skin bare, it did even less to conceal the shape of the body lurking beneath. That particular feature provided ample opportunity for appreciation of a knight or lady-knight's figure, discrete or otherwise. As had many sisters-in-arms before her, though, Sienna learned early on to accept such attention as nothing more than a natural, ...