1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... of some sort, however, she was not to know. Before she could even finish surveying them the scars passed from her view as Hyacin turned to face her once more.
    A moment later the blonde knight felt her breath catch for an entirely different reason as the man before her lazily began to undo the clasp holding up his breeches. Once that task was complete they fell easily, requiring only a quick shake of each leg to slip past their wearer's kneecaps. In their absence the baron's thick, woolen undergarment came into view, stretching down to his mid thighs but doing little to disguise the hefty bulge between his legs. Sienna had seen such a sight on many prior occasions, had even witnessed more a few times. Unlike some in her father's court the fellow knights she trained and fought alongside had long since accepted the handful of women among their ranks as equal partners and while some maintained a certain level of polite decorum in their dealings with such sisters in arms, others possessed less discretion when it came to changing or bathing out in the field. Still, while she had seen a few men's members in the past it felt entirely different to do so in her current context, so much so that she found herself nearly quivering when the baron bent forward to roll the intervening garment down his thighs and expose himself entirely.
    Assuming the handful of shafts she had witnessed over the years were anything to go by, and discounting out of hand the far greater number of idle ...
    ... boasts or jests she had heard bantered about between her comrades, Sienna was reasonably confident in guessing that Hyacin's manhood, which looked to stretch out around half a foot or so from his groin, was fairly average in size. Up close such a length proved more than enough to leave her awestruck, however, so even as its owner straightened back up her eyes lingered as if transfixed by the weapon which was destined to claim her virtue. Only the sound of a little cough a few moments later snapped the embarrassed knight out of the trance it left her in, that sudden noise prompting her eyes to flash up and meet the baron's then immediately dance away upon glimpsing the knowing smirk which awaited her on his lips.
    “Is it your intention to come to bed dressed as such?” Hyacin inquired a moment later, his airy voice somehow dragging Sienna's attention back to him. It seemed the man possessed enough self-control to keep his gaze fixed on her face, but the young maiden could tell from the hungry look in his eyes that he was as eager to see her unclothed as she was anxious to be so. That realization, if such a predictable discovery could even be called as such, was more than enough to send a quick shiver down her spine. While it was true that a lesser man in the baron's position could have been far less chivalrous in pressing his advantage over her, such restraint was hardly enough to make Sienna eager to bare herself before a man she scarcely knew and had not even the slightest of ...