1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... even the guest chamber's stone walls were capable of concealing her shame, let alone anything so flimsy as a pile of pillows.
    When at last the baron stopped raining blows down upon her aching rump, Sienna gratefully allowed herself a deep breath of relief then followed it up a few moments later by casting a silent prayer up to the eternals that her penance was finally complete. By that point she could scarcely wrap her mind around all that she had endured at Hyacin's hands. The man had vacillated between chivalry and cruelty without warning, her body thrilling at each even as her mind struggled to keep pace. She wished none of it had ever happened yet at the same time was eager for more. She wished she could erase the baron from her life even as she knew he had left his mark on her in ways that could never be undone. She shied away from that very same touch which her body yearned for above all else...
    Amidst such uncertainty, so many conflicting instincts and emotions, the one thing Sienna knew with utter certainty was that she was beyond exhausted. Physically, mentally, and emotionally alike she felt as drained as she ever had after even the most grueling of skirmishes. It was only natural, then, that in the stillness which followed Baron Hyacin's assault on her ass she let her eyes close and her mind go blank. Such a peaceful reprieve, however, was not to last long.
    So fatigued was the young knight that she heard her bedmate's voice as if it were ...
    ... coming to her through a fog, her brow scrunching slightly against the pillows before her as she tried to discern just what he meant by that lone word. She had yet to puzzle out his meaning, yet to truly stir, even, when the man's hand struck her ass once more. His latest blow was not nearly so sharp as those he had been delivering a minute before, but with how sore those earlier efforts had left her rear it stung all the same. Chastised and confused, Sienna shifted to once more peek anxiously over her shoulder.
    At the sight of her obvious bewilderment Baron Hyacin simply rolled his eyes, such a casually dismissive gesture prompting the deflowered maiden's cheeks to burn just a little hotter. “Oh, for...” he muttered, leaning forward and reaching out to grasp her by the wrists. Far too exhausted to resist even had she not already surrendered herself unconditionally to the domineering foreigner's authority, Sienna let him take hold of her arms and manhandle them into the position he wanted. When each of her hands wound up atop one of her own ass cheeks and he repeated the initial command, she at last understood, swiftly turning away once more as she fought back a pitiful little mewl at the humiliation of what he expected from her.
    Disgraceful as the thought of doing so was, Sienna reluctantly complied with the baron's demand. Hiding her face deep in the pile of pillows before her she closed her fingers around each of her cheeks and haltingly pulled them apart. The proud knight ...