1. Vietnam: The Beach (Chapter 3)

    Date: 7/21/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: 2koots, Source: LushStories

    ... enjoy your slutty, smutty reading. Maybe you can tell me all about it, too.” She reached over and gave Luke’s leg a squeeze, then let her hand graze against his crotch. Luke’s cock twitched involuntarily in response to her affection.
    Erin hastily put her top back on. They kissed goodbye and Erin headed for the massage hut. Luke watched her go with his eyes glued to her sexy ass in her cheeky bottoms. Her hips swayed as she walked through the loose sand. When she was out of sight Luke gathered their few beach belongings from the chairs went back to their bungalow. He dropped their items inside the door and grabbed his tablet, poured a glass of white wine from the fridge, then plopped down on the porch for some light reading.
    He flipped on the device and opened the book app. He had intentionally downloaded some really horny stories for their trip and was looking forward to getting really aroused before Erin came back to the bungalow. He sipped the wine and for watched a handful of kite surfers skip and dance across the waves, carried by the stiff wind. Finally, he scrolled through the tablet for a few minutes before settling on “Monster’s Balls.” It promised to be lighthearted and erotic, just the thing for a beautiful warm sunny day at the beach with a wonderful ocean breeze rustling through the palm trees.
    The story started predictably, with a sexy young woman named Penelope captured from her village by a half-man, half-oxen prince named Gothar. At first, she was ...
    ... scared but slowly grew to love the beast. The climax was a royal ball thrown in the young maiden’s honor with fancy ball gowns, lots of cleavage, and long-dicked monsters all looking to get laid.
    “Penelope’s hand rested lightly on Gothar’s muscled chest as they whirled around the dance floor, lost in each other’s eyes. She could feel Gothar’s erect sex pressing against her belly and into her tits, his cock must have been two feet long and he was clearly longing to plunge his shaft deep into Penelope’s cunt. She was dripping wet with longing for the beast, yet the crowded room full of guests prevented them from tearing off each other’s clothes on the ballroom floor. Instead, they channeled their romantic desire from one song to the next in perfectly choreographed steps that compelled their bodies against one another.
    "Finally, the last song finished. Gothar and Penelope bid adieu to each of the guests in turn while holding hands. Gothar kept stealing glances at Penelope’s nubile body, wanting to ravage her but holding back on account of the guests. Penelope could feel the sexual energy steaming off Gothar and her thighs were soaked with her arousal. Finally, they said goodbye to the last guest and the servants closed the great door.
    "Shall we retire to the drawing room for some wine?’ Penelope asked, desperate for a moment alone with her beast.
    "Gothar’s answer was immediate and to the contrary. He stepped toward Penelope as the last of the servants exited the ...