1. Vietnam: The Beach (Chapter 3)

    Date: 7/21/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: 2koots, Source: LushStories

    ... logo, or a local high school. From there it wasn’t hard to guess the region of the country.
    Erin spotted a few Americans easily sitting down the beach. The Chicago Bears gear and farmers tan did them in. Thankfully, they were the exception at this resort, most of the guests appeared to be from elsewhere, or at least were trying to blend in like Luke and Erin.
    Luke decided to make their beach time more interesting and asked Erin which women and men she found to be the most attractive. Luke had already identified the couple he thought should win the prize, unfortunately they weren’t on the beach anymore. Erin took her time sneakily catching glances up and down the beach and talking Luke through her analysis in hushed tones to avoid being overheard. There was a woman sitting by herself a few chairs over, laying on her stomach, that Erin thought had a sexy ass. Another couple on the other side were reading in the shade and both looked pretty great. They were younger than Luke and Erin and were very fit. The woman had her top off and Erin thought she had very nicely shaped little tits.
    Luke and Erin finished their drinks as they discussed the attractiveness of their neighbors. The sun was now nearly directly overhead, and they were both feeling quite warm. One of the resort staff walked by at that moment; he was a young man in white shorts and a white polo and was handing out flyers. Erin took one. If the young man noticed Erin’s exposed large tits he didn’t seem to ...
    ... find it out of the ordinary. Erin skimmed the handout briefly and smiled.
    “Babe, they have oil massages on the beach,” she said, “they must be in that shaded hut just over there by the bar, and you’ll never believe how inexpensive they are!”
    “You should get one, Darling. In fact, you should get one every day we’re here,” Luke said, imagining Erin coming back to the bungalow oiled up and relaxed. “I think I’ll sit on the porch out of the sun and read for a while. I’m starting to feel pretty hot. You love massages, and you deserve to feel relaxed after your long trip. By the way,” he added, “you still need to tell me more about your massage yesterday at the hotel.”
    “Oh, you’re right. I promise to give you more of the details, baby. Maybe at dinner – or in bed. We’ll see. Right now, I’m thinking about this afternoon’s massage. Do you want one, too?” she asked, expecting that she already knew the answer. “Maybe this one will be better than your last one.”
    “Oh, no, thank you,” Luke said. “My last one was indeed my last one.” Luke recalled the awkward and notably un-relaxing massage he’d received while they were on a trip in Africa. It had started and ended with his ass in a very uncomfortable manner, and he wasn’t about to make that mistake again. “You should do it, though, Erin. You’ll love it and we can catch up later. I’m going to get another drink or two and read something really smutty while I wait for you.”
    “Okay, I will then,” Erin said with resolve. “And you ...