1. Vietnam: The Beach (Chapter 3)

    Date: 7/21/2024, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: 2koots, Source: LushStories

    Erin leaned back against the warm lounge chair and sighed. The morning sun warmed her to the bone and the fresh ocean breeze cooled her face and tussled her hair. Her tiny white bikini contrasted against her tan, smooth skin. Her legs were parted over both sides of the lounge chair, and she curled her toes in the sand.
    “Would you like a Mai Tai, Erin?” Luke asked from his beach chair just a few feet from Erin. “I’m feeling pretty warm and something cool to drink sounds refreshing.”
    “That sounds perfect, Darling,” she answered with a smile. “A refreshing beach drink before lunch sounds like vacation,” she added.
    Luke sat up from his reclined position and turned so his back was in the sun. Today was their first full beach day at the Coco Beach resort in Vietnam. They had started the day right by sleeping in, then woke up naked in each other’s arms and made love before a delicious breakfast of fresh dragon fruit, pineapple, crêpes, and coffee. After breakfast Luke could hardly keep his hands off Erin as she changed into a skimpy new bikini, then they walked ten feet from their bungalow to the beach. Luke was struggling to keep his erection hidden in his form-fitted board shorts, but he finally felt able to stand without being lewd and figured he needed to take advantage of his temporary flaccid state to get them some drinks from the bar.
    He checked Erin out as he slipped on his flip flops and felt the morning heat from the sandals against his feet. Erin had prepped ...
    ... in a tanning bed back home before the trip to avoid sunburn and was already looking quite tan. She wore a tiny white bikini with a triangle top that barely contained her large breasts and cheeky bottoms that accentuated her perfect ass. She showed just the right amount of under-boob to be sexy without being inappropriate. Luke couldn’t wait for the inevitable tan lines that would appear later in the week from her bikini selection. Erin shifted in her lounge chair, raised up one long leg, and gracefully rolled to her side. Her tits shifted to create some sexy cleavage that drew Luke’s attention like a moth to a flame.
    “Get me something sweet and creamy to fill my mouth, please,” Erin said huskily then lowered her sunglasses and gave Luke a wink. She laughed at her own joke as Luke’s eyebrows went up in mock surprise.
    “You want something from the bedroom, not from the bar!” Luke responded and gave Erin’s hip a little slap. He was in danger of another erection and further delaying his trip to the bar. “You look amazing, my love,” he said sincerely.
    “Thanks, baby. You look pretty great yourself!” Erin thought Luke looked sexy with his shirt off, his muscles toned and his skin shimmering in the sun. She loved the way his board shorts rode a little low and his abs were visible to the hips. She suddenly wanted to run her hands down his body and slip his shorts off to demonstrate how she was feeling.
    “Okay, you’re getting me excited, I’m leaving now,” he said and stood. ...