1. The Sin Twins: Switcheroo

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: Taboo Author: krystalg, Source: LushStories

    ... their high school and collegiate pursuits, but both of them had also taken modern dance lessons, and some martial arts classes, and they loved playing basketball together. Coupled with the visual effects of a healthy diet and wonderful genetics, they were seductive, sexy, and lust-inducing.
    Long, wavy, naturally blond hair cascaded well past their shoulders, and their interchangeable faces featured sexy, dark eyes, pouting lips, strong cheekbones, and that sexy, impish look of naughtiness. Lithe torso were propped up by smooth, shapely legs, and their medium-sized breasts were pert and plump, making others drool. As if the lust-gods knew no bounds, they were also imbued with round, plump butts, heart-shaped and firm. Rather than monetize their twinhood or make a living off of their appearance, Tina and Tara tended bar. The money was good, and it gave them ample opportunity to play their favorite game—what they called the switcheroo.
    Growing up in the same home and sleeping in the same bedroom, Tina and Tara were casually comfortable about their sexuality. For them, the term, “Share everything,” meant, literally, everything. Not only were they open about their sexual urges, but the twins were each other’s confidants, advisors, and catalysts.
    The two sisters were so comfortable with each other, so alike, that they had eschewed any attempts at hiding their masturbatory pleasures from one another. As they shared everything, what one did, the other also partook. In the ...
    ... Pumphord townhouse, if one felt the urge, openly fingering one’s pussy was normal. There was never any physical contact between them, no lusty feelings toward their respective, clone-like sister. It was simply the release of sexual energy, nothing more.
    Their open sexuality, however, was the catalyst for the evolution of their trading identities games. The twins’ habit of trading places for any reason, including just for fun, carried on into their personal and, ultimately, their romantic lives. Beginning as a silly game, the switcheroo became their most pervasive pastime, a habit, and a constantly escalating wager. They’d sometimes work each other’s shifts, had been known to take exams for the other, and even dated the same guys, trading off every so often.
    One weekend, years ago, when they were about halfway through college, Tina had a date with a young man, but she was ill with food poisoning from a fast-food lunch. Asking her sister to do the switcheroo, Tina asked Tara to take her place, as she really liked that guy and didn’t want him to think she was “ghosting” him. Having exactly the same taste in lovers as Tina, Tara also discovered that she liked the guy—a lot.
    Tara’s attraction to the young man was intense enough that she threw caution to the wind and pulled out his cock in the middle of the movie theater during their date. She stroked the man to hardness, feeling her desire well up inside her. Her passion was so overpowering that Tara sucked him in the car ...