1. The Sin Twins: Switcheroo

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: Taboo Author: krystalg, Source: LushStories

    ... teases and often dressed to thrill.
    Their last name was also bastardized into “Pump hard” for added crassness. The Pump Hard Twins, also, sometimes, called the Pump Whore Twins, were also quite the popular nicknames. Both of them lived up to those monikers with all the verve, dedication, and fanaticism the blessings of youth, vitality, and incredibly sexy bodies allowed. Their slutty reputation was well-earned.
    Every twin stereotype imaginable, no matter how outlandish, was applied to them. Wonder twin powers, psychic twin links, two bodies sharing one soul, and all conceivable others were dropped on them, daily. Tina and Tara thought it was hilarious, leaning into the trite misconceptions, and enhancing them through the unique bond that only twins could understand. The connection between siblings is always unique and close, but, between those two, they were so alike that one always seemed to know everything about the other.
    Spending their formative years in a single-parent household wasn’t always easy, but it was fun. Their household had love, support, respect, and freedom, but their father, Kevin Pumphord, was a line worker, working the swing shift at the local factory, leaving his two daughters to basically raise themselves, lacking adult supervision most of the time. That left Tara and Tina almost utterly without guidance; there was never anyone around to tell them, “No.” Mr. Pumphord was a good, loving dad, but he was ill-equipped to be a single father, let ...
    ... alone raise rebellious twins, especially sexy, blond ones with erection-causing bodies and legendary wild streaks.
    Without the temperance of their long-passed mother, Tina and Tara quickly gained reputations as hard-partying hellions, always in trouble, usually of the scandalous sort. Embracing hedonism, the T-N-A twins were notorious sluts, party girls, and carousers. They graduated, solidly in the lower tier of the middle of their class, attended the same college, took the same courses, and co-graduated with degrees in theater and acting—an all but useless discipline in the real world.
    Finding jobs as bartenders in a slightly upscale nightclub, they eked out a meager but comfortable living, renting a townhouse together and still sharing everything. Tending bar, the twins could use their bodies and playful personalities to their advantage. The nightclub was lucky to have the T-N-A twins on the payroll. They were not only brazen flirts, having mastered the art of beguiling the opposite sex, but the twins’ resemblant physicality was eye-popping gorgeous. Neither of them wanted for sexual attention, and that was fine with both of them.
    As if being identical twins didn’t make them enough of a novelty, Tina’s and Tara’s identical bodies were a thing to behold, sexuality at its peak and wet-dream-inducing curves. As they were mainly raised by a single male, both of them were athletic, tomboys in spirit, if not looks. Softball and track, especially long-distance running, were ...