1. The Sin Twins: Switcheroo

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: Taboo Author: krystalg, Source: LushStories

    “And don’t come home unless you’re covered in cum, you trashy slut.” Tina’s voice was jovial as she teased her twin sister. “Unless you want to do all the chores for the next month.”
    Tina was so aroused that her voice quavered, mirroring the sensations that ran up and down her overheating flesh like feather-light jolts of erotic lightning. Their favorite, sexual game was in progress, and it always made Tina so horny that she couldn’t control herself.
    "Fucking eat me, you pathetic whore,” Tara laughed.
    Tara was also so possessed with lust that she could barely control herself. The young, blond woman’s pussy was so slick with arousal that her juices were dripping down her thighs. She also loved their game—what they called the switcheroo—and Tara, while outwardly tranquil, was wondering if she could keep her fingers out of her cunt during the ride over to her date’s place.
    “Eew!” they shrieked in giddy unison. “Twincest, gross!”
    They hugged, briefly and platonically, before Tara took a step outside, then turned and asked, “What exactly is the challenge, again?”
    “Since he’s always playing video games, you now have the fantasy of blowing him while he plays.”
    “Oh, that’s all. I thought you had more imagination than that.”
    “His roommate and friend will be there, too. They get to watch and call you vile things.”
    As if it were a lifelong competition, both of the twins determined to win by a landslide, which sister was the sluttiest remained to be ...
    ... determined. However, both Tina and Tara felt that the other was the evil doppelgänger. Inseparable since the moment of their births, mere minutes apart, they shared everything. Eerily similar in all regards, only their belated mother could ever tell the two of them apart. Their perfect resemblance ran far deeper than merely physical appearance, every facet of their essence being a duplicate of the other’s.
    The Pumphord sisters were not only identical twins, but they shared interchangeable personalities, the exact same tastes in all things, and even the cadence and inflection of their speech made one voice indistinguishable from the other. The bond between them was so strong that it sometimes bordered on the supernatural. This, of course, not only necessitated that every twin trope be dusted off and aired in their presence, but the two took great delight in confounding others. Their switcheroo game was rooted in that pastime.
    Along with the tropes came the nicknames. “Bobbsey,” was hurled about, then it was the Grady Twins, followed by “thing one and thing two,” the nicknames evolving until, in the latter years of high school, the “T-N-A sisters,” gained traction. Not only was that due to young adults being perverts, but their names also contained the letters, which made their peers’ young minds think it was both naughty and clever. Their budding sexuality, the two women on fire with the lust of maidenhood, and their sexy, nubile bodies, only edified the nickname. The twins were ...