1. In the Park

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: First Time Author: bywetfanatic, Source: Literotica

    ... mean, it was still fine. It was just Kaylee. If it were anybody else I imagine I would have thought twice and stopped things right there.
    I was holding her wrists tightly and keeping her assault contained but I knew I had to keep my eyes fixed on her face to see if she was going to glance down. The pressure she was exerting on me as she sat astride my lap felt nice - as shameful as that was - but I didn't dare look down to see if my erection was obvious. If I had her eyes would have been sure to follow mine and then I would be in a world of embarrassment.
    So instead our eyes remained locked and we stayed frozen like that for what seemed like minutes. It was taking every ounce of my willpower to not squeeze my glutes and push back into the pressure she was exerting on my lap. I was fighting against a raw instinctual urge and wouldn't be able to hold out for long. I had to wonder if she was fighting the same urge. There was no way she couldn't feel the rock she was sitting on in the middle of my lap. Her face didn't betray any understanding of the situation though, so we just remained frozen in place, waiting to see who was going to move first. Maybe that's what made it ok. Neither of us wanted to acknowledge what was obviously happening.
    She was the first to break our standoff. I saw her begin to glance down so as quickly as I could I made a move to try to get out from under her. In hindsight I probably should have tried a little harder. She rolled her hips ...
    ... slightly and leaned on her wrists over my chest to keep me pinned. As she rolled forward, her pubic mound rolled up my shaft. Between the half-assedness of my escape move and her leverage over my body I didn't make any progress towards breaking free, but as much as I hated to admit it to myself the struggle itself felt pretty good. As part of my escape (or maybe, whether or not I was willing to admit it to myself, just because it felt good) I had flexed my glutes up towards her. No matter my reasoning behind it, the move had left me in quite the predicament.
    If I had relaxed once we settled into our stable position, she would have known that I had been flexed. She would definitely feel me move between her legs, and it might bring to her focus the stiffness separating us. Still, as we were her mound was smashed up against me and I could feel every small movement she made. Every breath, every little movement she made to stabilize herself on top of me was varying the pressure ever so slightly. Her tiny movements on top of me felt so good. A little too good if I was being honest with myself. I got caught up in that feeling for one second too long, and I heard her giggle.
    I refocused on her face. Her eyes were cast downward between her legs. My cheeks immediately burned hot. I knew I was busted.
    Her eyes came back up to meet mine and she bit her lip and let out a tiny voiceless grunt as she thrust her hips forward sharply. It was raw. It was primal. But mostly it just felt ...