1. In the Park

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: First Time Author: bywetfanatic, Source: Literotica

    I guess I couldn't have been dating Mandy too long at that point. Maybe only a week or two. Prom definitely hadn't happened yet. We for sure hadn't lost our virginities to each other yet.
    In fact I know we hadn't been dating long, because when Kaylee invited me to hang out it didn't even cross my mind that I should probably say no. Kaylee and I had been friends since junior high. She was the girl that I always complained about my girl problems to, or in some very rare cases, shared my triumphs with. Still though hindsight is 20/20 and although I know better now, I definitely didn't back then. The truth is though she didn't even register as a threat. We had just never been interested in each other in that way. She had told me that she was into me when we had first met, but by our senior year she had completely gotten over it.
    Kaylee was... well, she came from a lower class family - she was never quite put together. I wouldn't necessarily call her "trailer trash" but she was trailer trash adjacent. Looking back, it shouldn't have been surprising that of all my friends, she was the one that managed to get pregnant in high school.
    Anyway she must have been having some problems with Tommy or Dereck. Honestly can't remember. She kind of jumped from guy to guy. Whoever it was in that week was unimportant, but she had called me up - as she always did - and suggested that we meet up at the pond in the park. Like I said, I didn't give it a second thought. I left a note ...
    ... telling my parents where I'd gone and walked out the door.
    It was only about a mile, so I decided walking would give me an excuse to at least move a bit - and besides, it would take Kaylee a solid 30 minutes to get there anyway. It was the second mistake I made that day.
    We lived in a small town. Well, kinda. It was a small town connected to a big city. I guess you'd call it a suburb? But it felt so insulated from anything hip. It was basically a churchy farmland masquerading as suburban sprawl. Anyway, despite being a pretty populated place in our corner of it, everyone knew everyone. If anything scandalous happened, it was guaranteed to be discussed in hushed tones amongst the folding chairs on Wednesday nights, or in the parking lots on Sunday. Word traveled quickly.
    Fortunately there weren't too many people at the park that day. It wasn't empty, but there were fewer than I would expect for such a nice sunny day in the spring. I spotted Kaylee first - she was seated on a concrete bench by the pond, but by the time I was 50 yards away she caught sight of me and popped up to walk towards me.
    She walked a bit awkwardly at first, tugging at the legs of her - rather short - jeans shorts to fix how they had ridden up her hips while she was sitting. They were high enough that they made a shallow "v" on her. It struck me as a little funny that she would wear something so revealing and then have to work so hard to make them more modest. She eventually got them situated as she ...