1. In the Park

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: First Time Author: bywetfanatic, Source: Literotica

    ... gripped onto her thigh. Her knees shot up out of my grip and she fell onto her side away from me in the grass, giggling all the way.
    I let her fall and didn't pursue. I had proven my point. As she collected herself and started to sit upright, I got a decent eyeful of her butt. Her shorts were already pretty short, but when she curled up it caused them to ride up a bit. I hadn't ever noticed before, but it wasn't half bad! Not that I would ever act on it or anything, but you know.. good for her. Good for Tommy or Dereck or whoever.
    I expected it to end there. She would have no chance overpowering me by herself. Even when she, Allie and Mandy had all ganged up on me I was able to hold my own, and Kaylee was far and away the smallest of them.
    My overconfidence left me wide open though. As she calmly hoisted herself upright again I let my guard down. It was then that she struck. What really caught me off guard was that she didn't go for my sides at all - she straight up lunged at me and tackled me. The contact immediately toppled me over into the grass, with her landing on top of me. I reflexively twisted so that I was laying on my back and grabbed at her wrists so that she couldn't just immediately commence with tickling me.
    We froze that way for a moment. I was on my back in the grass. She was kneeling astride my chest, leaning over me supporting her weight on her wrists where I held her. Once we reached a sort of equilibrium she sat down, still astride my chest. ...
    ... It was a little rough and nearly knocked the wind out of me.
    "What's your plan now?" I asked. "You know I could get out of this any time, and then you're in for it."
    She blew her hair out of her face and twisted her wrists in my grip to try to break free. I held tight. The struggle didn't last long and eventually I felt her body begin to relax. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help but look down at the way her legs were spread astride me. I know she was my friend and all, but she was just so close and her denim shorts were so short and so tight. I did my best to not look, but at the end of the day she is a girl and I couldn't help but to keep glancing at the space between her legs. Her shorts looked painted on; her seam was riding up just right. It was a bit too much for me. I felt a familiar tightness growing between my legs and could feel my cheeks turning slightly pink as well.
    I mean, I knew it was completely normal for a guy like me to have that sort of physical reaction to a girl sitting astride him, but it felt a little wrong since it was Kaylee. I never really looked at her like that. For the briefest moment the thought occurred to me that she was doing this on purpose, and that she had orchestrated our compromising position. It just didn't make any sense to me. There wasn't any chemistry between us - we had never been a "thing," and she knew I was dating Mandy. Still it wasn't like we didn't talk about sexual things every once in a great while.
    Like there ...