1. In the Park

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: First Time Author: bywetfanatic, Source: Literotica

    ... walked, and with her waistband lowered a sliver of tummy showed beneath her band tee.
    "About time!" She called out when she was within earshot.
    I just shrugged her off. She had to know I was going to walk.
    "What took you so long?" She pressed.
    "I walked, Kaylee.." I replied, a little annoyed by her accusatory tone.
    She tossed her curly red hair and fell into stride next to me. "Ohmigod. Did you start the calc homework yet?"
    "No. I literally had just got home from wrestling practice when you called. Why? That's due tomorrow right?"
    "I think Ms. Jean hates us. There's like 50 problems."
    "Oof." I replied. "Well there goes my night."
    "For real. Did you have big plans? Seeing Mandy tonight?" She elbowed me playfully in the ribs.
    "Not really." I stepped off the walking path under the nearest tree. It wasn't too hot out but the sun was a little harsh. "I think she's buried in some report or something. But I'd definitely rather not be spending my night doing math."
    She leaned up against the tree next to me and we both lowered ourselves until we were sitting with our backs against the trunk. "What about you? Any big plans this fine evening?"
    "You're looking at them." She shrugged dismayed. "Allie is with Ben, and Rachel didn't pick up when I called."
    "Oh so I'm the backup?"
    "Well yeah." She teased as she gave me a playful shove. I should have expected it. Kaylee was always trying to find little ways to knock me off balance. Ever since we ...
    ... first met. Still, it caught me off guard and I had to brace myself with my opposite hand to keep from falling over.
    "You trying to start some shit?" I shot back at her.
    She didn't respond, she just struck - while I was righting myself her hands shot toward my side and got me in the ribs. My body bent sideways into it as my muscles spasmed at her tickling.
    Tickle fights weren't really uncommon between us, but I don't think we had one since what had come to be known as "the incident" among our friends. Kaylee had been quick to start shit that day but I had pinned her and Allie relentlessly tickled her. It was all in good fun, but apparently Allie was a bit too relentless. It took us a little too long to realize that between Kaylee's uncontrollable giggles she was gasping out "I'm peeing! I'm peeing!" It was hilarious, but it still took like an hour to clean up Allie's carpet.
    I wasn't about to let her provocation go unanswered though. If I did, who knows what sort of garbage she'd think she was allowed to get away with?
    I squared up and lunged toward her. Her arms shot out in front of her as she dodged her torso backwards away from my grasp. Her wavy red hair fell into her face. I had been going for her sides - eye for an eye and all that - but with both of her legs shot out in front of her I changed my strategy: her legs were incredibly ticklish above her kneecaps so I went for those instead.
    It happened too quickly for her to react. She squealed at me as I ...