1. Juicy

    Date: 7/19/2024, Categories: Fiction Coercion Cruelty Extreme, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Torture, Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... living juicer. “Told you it would be popular. We’ll get right on that, Sir.” With ease, the big man lifted his employee still foaming at the mouth. The travel mug left in her bum got pushed in by the counter up to its maximum depth. Alix moaned again.
    “How do you get this stuff out? With hands on Alix’s inner thighs, Mr. Sabir slurped and sucked the juicy pussy, but most of the fruity paste remained trapped in the uterus.
    Alix answered softly as if in a dream: “Last time I had a... Pedro did something and... it’s really embarrassing...”
    “Oh, he made you cum? Alright, that should be easy enough; you look about ready to pop.”
    Fingers and tongue worked in tango for a taste of mango. Soon enough, Alix’s knuckles turned white against the edge countertop and her mouth opened wide to scream at the heavens noiselessly as an explosion of flavor filled her boss’s mouth. She lost herself in his arms after they both ‘finished’.
    “You’re not going to get that raise if you pass out after every smoothie. Guess I’ll be getting my hands dirty today. So, what flavor did you want, sir? How about pineapple?”