1. Juicy

    Date: 7/19/2024, Categories: Fiction Coercion Cruelty Extreme, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Torture, Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... We’ll have a long line as soon as the word gets out.”
    “I still don’t know. It’s a lot of effort to save a few cents on cups.”
    “And the Earth, Alix. You save the whole planet. And the cost of a new blender. I gave Pedro a raise and a promotion for his initiative yesterday. Maybe you’ll get a raise too if you show some team spirit. Why don’t you make me one of your famous organic smoothies, and we’ll see if it’s worth the extra effort. You can do it yourself, right?”
    Pedro handling the anal pestle that was grinding fruits in her womb mortar was the most humiliating part of the whole experience, so Alix said “yes,” realizing too late how all-encompassing that yes sounded. Convinced that her boss would change his mind once he realized that fifteen minutes was way too long a wait time for a glorified fruit juice, Alix’s trembling hand reached for the strawberries.
    “Nah, nah, I don’t like strawberries; make me an apple mango. Don’t bother cutting or peeling. Just straight up.” Mr. Sabir made a gesture of a finger flying up a hole with a popping sound effect with his mouth.
    “Even the strawberries were a tight fit...” Alix said, but her boss tapped his golden Rolex with a finger, and that was his answer.
    As discreetly as she could under the blinkless stare of her boss, Alix stuck an apple down the front of her black leggings.
    “Just take off your pants and panties, sweetie. We don’t want to look like we’re hiding anything, do we? And we can’t have you waste time ...
    ... pulling them up and down all day. Anyone too young to see your tush can’t see over the counter anyway.”
    “Right...” Alix had always disliked having to work in thin leggings that hugged the curves of her butt and made her feel naked. As she peeled the stretchy cotton off her legs, she swore never to complain about her form-fitting pants again.
    The girl spread her leg wide enough to fit an apple in her thigh gap while still preserving some dignity. It took a lot of pushing with fingers and thighs to wrestle the fist-size fruit up her lady parts. Alix groaned and moaned, but Mr. Sabir’s look of impatience kept her going.
    Plop. Hmmph
    . Alix’s pussy swallowed another apple, its bump now obvious on her smooth navel. If only that were far enough. Another two apples and a mango crowded her birth canal; her cervix had been more cooperative with berries. She had hoped not to need Pedro’s trick but, expecting to hear ‘you’re fired for being so useless and lazy’ any moment, she flipped a stool on its seat and lowered herself on one of its legs, forcing the fruit inside the inner chamber. She muffled the whimpers in her palm, but her whole body displayed the intensity of the cervix-penetrating act through convulsions.
    With four fruits in her belly, she limped toward the traveling mug display on the wall. It still felt wrong to have the Sunny Cafe mug that visited her colon yesterday back on the shelf, even if she did spend twenty minutes washing it afterward.
    “Um, ...