1. Juicy

    Date: 7/19/2024, Categories: Fiction Coercion Cruelty Extreme, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Torture, Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Alix, don’t use that one. Use that one there.”
    “That one?” Alix pointed to a smaller one. She was eager to return to the counter area, her lower body completely devoid of cover at the back of the store.
    “No, the bigger one.”
    is the one I used yesterday;
    one’s way too thick.”
    “Yes, and Pedro told me there were still a few chunks left in the smoothies. I’m not telling you to use that one because it’s thick. It’s the
    one,” Her boss said with finality.
    Alix put the two side by side. The thicker travel mug was indeed an inch longer but at such a price to pay in girth. Too bad these things never came long and thin.
    It was now time for the dreaded juicing. Alix put the grey metal container on its head as close to the counter as possible for privacy. It looked like a nuclear plant chimney. Mr. Sabir leaned his belly against the cash register but couldn’t a good angle of his new favorite show.
    “Do you want customers to think you’re taking a dump under there? Do it where I can see you. Yeah, right there. That’s better. Now we see the shape of the ram and the fruits getting mashed inside.”
    Mashed... was an apt word for what her precious and sensitive baby incubator was about to endure. The giant metal dildo scraped down her entire colon until it was deep enough to disappear completely. Just a pantless barista sitting on the floor... with a tent pitched inside her belly. The mashing happened by pushing herself up on tensed ...
    ... arms then letting her butt slam on the thankfully clean floor. The bouncing straw hat made her look like an amateur cowgirl on a mechanical bull.
    “Alix?” Mr. Sabir’s voice interrupted the cacophony of moans and gushing fruits. “You have a customer. Go to the cash; I’ll take over the smoothie.”
    Alix slowly got back on her feet to penguin-walk to the counter while covering her hairless crotch with her hands. The travel mug was inching out, but Mr. Sabir quickly put on a plastic disposable glove and gripped the base before it could plop out of the anal cavity.
    With a trembling voice and frequent wincing stops, Alix stuttered through her greeting: “Welcome to Sunny Cafe. How can I brighten your day?”
    Mr. Sabir was not shy about handling her buttocks like it was store equipment he owned. His hands dug deep into the butt flesh, tensing her already stretched anus around the travel mug like mastication. Then he gripped the mouth-end of the metal cylinder and went to town. He was putting his entire body into it and grunting like... Alix didn’t want to admit it, but it sounded like sex. The fisting kind of sex. It was impossible to resist the full-body tremors that wiggled her breasts and the light-headedness eating at her will to stay conscious, but she moaned as professionally as she could in the presence of a customer.
    “The customer eventually shook his head out of his trance. “Yeah, uh, I’ll have whatever he’s having, I guess.”
    “See?” A voice said from behind the ...