1. Clementina, Chapter 2 – Symbiosis

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Monster, Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Clementina and I, then an immense pink stalk or tentacle shot out, rocketing across the floor and into the urn with the reddish fluid at the base of the statue.
    What, exactly, happened inside the well under the urn I am not sure, but suddenly six tentacles shot from the urn – apparently the creature wasn’t dead after all. The pink stalk on which the succubus body was still impaled lifted into the air, shooting blood and slime across the chamber. The arms and legs flailed randomly as the stalk lifted the body up and it hung upside down above the tentacles.
    A motion within the secret chamber where my mother lay in a coma caught my eye. I turned and saw my mother climbing out of the sarcophagus. I tried to move to help her, but the random flailing of the tentacles about the room prevented me. I stood helplessly by and watched my mother walk calmly towards the tentacle beast. She pulled off her bikini top and thong, casting them to the floor, then approached the body of the impaled succubus.
    As I stared at her, I felt someone brush my my shoulder and turned. It was Ona. I grabbed her shoulder and tried to pull her back but she ducked away and continued towards the tentacles.
    “I wanted some of that tentacle action the first time we met this thing,” she said. “I wonder if it’s game this time.”
    Before I could stop her, she had moved within striking range of the long, slimy, sucker-covered tentacles. I waited, expecting her to be knocked to the side or thrown across ...
    ... the room, but instead the thing seemed to know she was there and the flailing limbs avoided her somehow.
    Meanwhile, my mother had emerged from the sarcophagus chamber and was now standing in front of the upside-down body of the succubus that still stood atop the pink stalk, hovering over the well. The succubus arms and legs had stopped flailing and now simply hung limply. As with Ona, the creature seemed to know where my mother was and avoided hitting her as the tentacles slowly calmed their motions.
    My mother stood beside and slightly below the inanimate body of the succubus. She reached up and grabbed the creature’s ribcage. With a strength I didn’t know she possessed, she pulled the succubus’ ribs apart, ripping the skin and causing a fountain of blood and gore to cascade down across her naked, curvy body. The thick soup of blood and tissue covered her breasts, trickled off her nipples and mixed with milk as it ran in a stream down her stomach and past her slime-soaked slit. Bits of tissue stuck in her hair. My mother reached inside the corpse which now had its internal organs suspended underneath it, and pulled out a phallite. I recognized it as the phallite she had taken on originally. The creature was the same except it now had red streaks across its body. My mother opened her mouth and the creature crawled down her throat.
    My mother again reached into the gore of the succubus corpse and pulled out another white phallite – the one I had just brought from the ...