1. The Depths of Lust Ch. 03

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byTheRavenGaard, Source: Literotica

    ... relax and he slid home and inch, she wiggled her hips settling back again and again till eventually she managed to get more of him than I had.
    I love watching two people fuck, there is something extra sweet about seeing this fifty plus lady getting some decent cock. But my attention didn't last there long because Mariah was done with setting up the new toy and had plans for the rest of us.
    Miranda let all of my bindings go, flipped me onto my knees with encouraging slaps and set me up to receive what I would like to call 'Ramjam 3000'
    I had a stool shoved under my hips so I couldn't put them down no matter what and then the rest of me was strapped down to make sure there was no escape.
    The machine was wheeled forwards and the others were encouraged to crowd around.
    'Ok, here is how this works, we will get her all excited and lubed up with Jacob and Tanaka and Diego getting up on the table and blowing a load each, one in her cunt, and two in her arse. That should give her enough to handle the second part of the game.
    Mirada turned to the ladies, 'here is the remote, you can set it to whatever speed and depth you like, it will fuck her arse and her pussy at the same time no matter which setting. She has to tell you how many strokes away from cumming she is and you control the machine. If she cums within two strokes of her guess then she wins the right to take a break or have the machine set to her speed of choice for another orgasm.'
    Miranda grinned, 'But ...
    ... you have the control of the speed and depth of course, so when she tells you where she is at, you can either pull the speed or increase it depending on what you think her body would hate.' If she fails entirely to cum, she has to lick your pussy till you cum with the machine turned off, or you can just use the violet wand or flog her, essentially just make up a great little punishment.'
    Miko didn't fully understand so Strap On explained it again for her. Miko's eyes grew wide and then she laughed that little laugh they all seemed to when highly amused but embarrassed. So damn cute. I started leaking immediately.
    Miranda patted the table, 'Up you get gentlemen, get hard and give the Slut a load, she is going to need it.'
    Jacob was quick to oblige, he plunged his semi hard dick into my pussy till he was as hard as before and then thumbed it into my arse. G'damn it, he really was so close to my hubby in size and length, so it wasn't the easiest fit.
    I had to do the push down and back to make it fit, then my sphincter let go and let him in.
    There was that build up of heat and friction, I could feel my pussy leaking down my thighs, this functional fucking was like I was being sacrificed to the machine god behind me. I groaned as I felt his jizz spurt inside me, I was surprised how quick he had cum, but it was probably for the best considering his size.
    Tanaka enjoyed the gentle stroking of his cock while standing next to Miko but he stepped up to do his duty. He ...