1. Don't Be Rude

    Date: 7/14/2024, Categories: Fiction Alien, Extreme, Horror, Mind Control, Pregnant, Reluctance Torture, Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... reach her face. We looked into each other terrified eyes and watched each other’s pain disappear as they rolled back behind our heads. The alien cum began flooding our fallopian tube with its fertile oatmeal while flooding our brains with the same orgasmic mixture.
    Babies making babies. My alien friend had just moved in and I wasn't sure I was ready to be a mommy yet. I didn’t want to have to ask another girl to go to the bathroom with me and birth 40 pounds of tentacles into her mouth, subjecting her to the same horrors I went through. Things were moving a bit too fast. I was starting to realize this may all have been a huge mistake. A new orgasm washed away my worries.
    Tentacles from inside my body were now able to fuck my pussy, ass, and throat without Tiffany’s help. That girl was convulsing on the toilet seat while being fucked by her own internal tentacles. I was back on my knees receiving regular face-fulls of her pleasure squirts in my unblinking eyes. For every second I spent regretting my terrible decision, my alien spent 10 minutes erasing them with mind-shaking, squirting orgasms triggered by the movements of tentacles under my skin and whatever the fuck the brain tentacles were doing up there. If a tentacle tip came out of my body, it was to briefly suck on my engorged tits for sustenance.
    My copilot kept me drunk on orgasms so I didn't interfere ...
    ... with the controls while it learned how to walk and talk using this new lithe puppet. It let me be myself at night, but night was the peak of its sexual activity and all I could do was moan and scream in my bed, wishing I still had the ability to sleep.
    A couple of days later, we were lumbering down the school hallway with a giant belly ready to burst. Very few girls were left unpaired in school and that made us sad. But then one of our female teachers who was still young enough to be a suitable host got me transferred to a new school where I made lots of new friends.
    We might have sounded a bit bitter in our previous recollections. Now that we’ve been living in symbiosis for a few hundred years, we can say with confidence that we highly recommend it. Living under a constant assault of brain-frying orgasms in a sleepless vessel is as amazing as it sounds. Every living human female on the planet had the luck of finding a coexisting partner long ago, so we keep ourselves busy by re-impregnating each other, over and over again, packing our sensitive but immortal bodies with the ever-increasing strain of more tentacles. More tentacles dancing under our skin and fucking any hole they can find from the inside means more intense orgasms, which is a good thing for the human part of us.
    Kill Me. ...i
    s something we never think at all.
    Never think at all. 