1. Don't Be Rude

    Date: 7/14/2024, Categories: Fiction Alien, Extreme, Horror, Mind Control, Pregnant, Reluctance Torture, Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... a few minutes delay: the muffled pleas through hard-pressed lips, the desperate
    as I tried to shake my restrained head to keep anal tentacles from forcing my mouth open, and the gags from a large wet mass of tentacles accompanied by gallons of cervical fluids flowing down my throat for twenty of the worst minutes of my life. I was definitely going to be late for class.
    Before slithering back into their intestinal home, the anal tentacles poked down my throat to make sure the straggling limbs had found their way to my bloated stomach. I tried regurgitating my new tenant into the toilet between Tiffany’s spread legs now that her belly had shrunk out of the way, but the process was already too far advanced. The more I tried to force the alien baby out, the deeper its tendrils dug into every cranny of my organs. The possibility of ejection faded as I realized my heart now beat to the rhythm of tentacle squeezes and that breathing was dependent on my lungs being played like bagpipes.
    Stretchy slugs ran amok in my digestive system, spreading out into every system. Feeling tentacles slither up your spine to plunge into the folds of your brain is more uncomfortable than it sounds, but I could still move. I was still me. Odd that what 'me' wanted to do more than anything at that moment was to take off my shirt and pants and have hot lesbian tentacle sex with Tiffany.
    I straddled the blonde girl’s lap on the toilet. Her breasts looked even bigger now that the ...
    ... contents of her womb were spread across my innards. I never noticed how attractive she (or her sister) was before. My small cherries pressing against her giant melons, I leaned in for a reciprocated kiss. I sucked on her tongue while my hands went past the seat to squish her butt, locking our bodies into a beast with two backs and a million arms. More tongues came out of Tiffany’s throat and I sucked on them too. Then my own slimy appendages joined the orgy inside our slurping mouths full of leaking alien cocks.
    I assumed that the dozens of tentacles that came out of my ass were fucking Tiffany’s pussy because that is what
    ass tentacles were doing to me. There were so many of them sliding against each other in deep asynchronous thrusts into my womb.
    Even with dozens of thick, gooey links joining our mouths and genitals, part of me (probably the alien part) craved more ways to connect with Tiffany. And that part of me’s prayers were answered when wriggly tentacle tips birthed themselves out of each of Tiffany’s nipples as if they had one large dilated pore instead of multitudes. The tips flowered into mouths that latched onto my erect nips. They sucked at first, sending me into a toe-curling frenzy, then reversed the pump to inject my breast with nutritious jelly. I could feel my tiny tits inflate with every spurt until there was so much breast meat between Tiffany and me that our lips were forced apart and only the tentacles coming out of my mouth and nose could ...