1. Don't Be Rude

    Date: 7/14/2024, Categories: Fiction Alien, Extreme, Horror, Mind Control, Pregnant, Reluctance Torture, Author: Krombomich, Source: sexstories.com

    ... at the farthest notch. The one around her hips barely covered her ass and it was only the giant preggo belly that blocked the view to her bare vulva. Standards had changed; the principal couldn’t send a girl home just because she was half-naked and leaving a trail of pussy drippings all over the floor. There would barely be any female students left!
    “Yes frieand. I am Toffany.”
    This was obviously an alien organism temporarily using Tiffany’s body to integrate into human society, but it was trying its best and it felt rude not to recognize the effort. There was a big controversy going on about the morality of letting the progeny of the extraterrestrial being from the meteor slither inside Earth's young women, taking partial control of their brains and reproductive agency. Without Tiffany’s warmth and fluids, this alien baby would have died. Was Tiffany really contributing more to society before this space hermit crab made her body its home? Debatable. But with coexistence, everybody wins. I didn’t want to be like those xenophobic warmongers on TV so I was happy to pretend this was still my good friend Tiffany having a bit of a rough day.
    “Come toilet room with me. Girls do that.”
    Though I saw the request coming, my heart still sank and I instantly broke out into a cold sweat. Going to the bathroom was a known code for ‘let me birth my baby inside you’. I had a lot going on this year; I wasn’t sure I was ready for this commitment quite yet. “I don’t want to be late ...
    ... for class...” I said, hoping to delay my answer for a few hours.
    “You made us sad, frieand.” A wet tentacle came out of Tiffany’s nostril to lick her dry eyeball since she never blinked anymore.
    “I’m sorry. I guess...” I could stay alone in my body but could I live with the hypocrisy of letting Tiffany’s poor baby die confused in the cold air of our deadly atmosphere? “I guess we can go to the bathroom together before class.”
    Four of the five stalls were occupied by different stages of alien-girl union. For the last few weeks, most non-coexisting girls I knew had been avoiding the school bathroom since the miracle of birth came with disturbing wet noises, demented moaning, and puddles of white lumpy fluid. Tiffany entered the free stall, sat down on the toilet seat, removed her belt bra, and her belt skirt, and spread her legs wide for me unabashed. She also managed to ignore the thrashing legs and drowning gurgles from the adjacent stall better than I did.
    “What do I do?” I asked her, still wondering how someone so small could have grown such gigantic belly and breasts.
    “Closer,” she repeated until I was on my knees a foot away from her smooth pussy in the shadow of her underbelly.
    Having never witnessed it directly, I thought the transfer would be a bit more dignified. Certainly didn’t expect four arm-size tentacles to burst out of her ass, wrap around my head, and force my mouth onto my new friend’s pussy. I made the same noises as my stall neighbor with ...