1. Twins Double Trouble

    Date: 7/11/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Exhibitionism First Time Incest Masturbation Reluctance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Author: Piglet838, Source: sexstories.com

    ... and Makayla giggles a little. Her laughter is a huge relief to me. Perhaps there will be life after separation. Then she gets serious again and looks into my eyes. "I miss you already." Makayla says.
    "Yeah, I miss you, too. Why do things have to change? I just can't imagine mom opening her legs for that old creep of a boss. What made her do that?"
    Makayla says "I can't imagine. Dad is so sweet. I wonder if mom did it so that she could get ahead with her job? Or some women do it because they are bored with their husband. That is especially true if the husband is sweet. I will ask her about that, sometime."
    We sit in silence awhile, still embracing. Makayla finally tears herself away, saying, "I better get to bed. Mom says we need to start packing tomorrow. Somehow our talk tonight makes me feel better. I understand a little better why things are as they are. That, and we have a plan. I still don't like it, but at least I understand. Thanks, Michael."
    "Love you, Makayla. We are tough. We'll get through this." With that, Makayla disappears out into the hallway. I feel much better, knowing that Makayla has conquered some of her despair. With that, a dreamless sleep overtakes me.
    In the morning, wakefulness comes drifting in gradually. I remember the events from yesterday as if in a dream. For a moment, I wonder if it really happened or was it a nightmare? As awareness settles in, I know that it is reality and that I am really leaving Mike and ...
    ... dad and moving away with mom to Greenville. I feel despair begin to overwhelm me, and I am on the brink of tears again. I am sick of tears. Pulling myself together, I say out loud, "We are tough. We will get through this."
    After washing my face and getting dressed, I join Mike and dad in the kitchen for breakfast. "Morning," I offer in greeting.
    "Good morning, Princess." Dad says. His voice is cheerful, but there is a look of sadness in his face. He is probably hurting from mom's betrayal. There is a special bond between a father and daughter. Not as complete as the twin bond, but pretty strong. It makes me sad to see my dad hurting so. I love that he calls me 'Princess'. Many people address us as, 'the twins'. Dad's term of endearment shows that he recognizes me as an individual, apart from Mike. My heart swells with love for him.
    "Where's mom?" I ask, noting her absence.
    Mike replies, "She's back in her room, packing."
    "Oh," I say, and everyone falls silent. Another layer of sadness fills the room, because it is a reminder of what is to come. We sit in silence, each mechanically eating our breakfast. After eating I go in search of mom. I find her in her room, tossing clothes into suitcases, boxes and garment bags. She doesn't look up as I come into her room. "Good morning, mom", I say, trying to be civil.
    "Oh, hey'" mom says, still not looking up. "You started packing, yet?"
    "Not yet. I just finished breakfast," I reply. "We aren't moving until tomorrow, ...