1. Twins Double Trouble

    Date: 7/11/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Exhibitionism First Time Incest Masturbation Reluctance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Author: Piglet838, Source: sexstories.com

    ... right?"
    "Yes. But I want to take our clothes over to the house by noon, today. Furniture is being delivered to the house this afternoon and I need to be there to show them where I want it placed" mom says. "Tomorrow we can make another trip with the rest of our belongings. I figure we can do it all with two trips."
    "Sure," I say without enthusiasm. "I'll get my clothes ready to go." Then I add, with a tone of finality, "But I'm spending the night here, tonight."
    Now mom looks up at me. "Sure, honey. That will be fine. I know we sprung this on you rather suddenly. We just need to get the move done before the weekend is up. I have to be ready to start my new position Monday morning. That is what has pushed this along so fast. I am looking forward to our new life together in Greenville."
    I move slowly down the hall to my room, to begin the job that I do not want to do. As I lay my clothes out on my bed, I reflect on the change in my world. I went from a yearning to have more independence from Mike and his influence in my life, to being terrified how I will cope without him. What a contradiction!
    "Hey, sis. Can I help you?" Mike comes into my room and closes the door.
    "Sure. I would be glad for your company." I reply. "I don't really want to do this job. This is happening too fast. Tonight is my last night in this house! If you want, you can help by taking the clothes out of my dresser and pack them into these boxes." I turn to get my things from the ...
    ... closet.
    Mike opens my top dresser drawer and begins taking clothes out. He says, "Yeah. You would think we could have had a warning of at least a couple of weeks."
    Looking from the corner of my eye, I see that Mike is holding up a pair of my panties at eye level, examining them. Then he spreads them on my bed, refolding them before carefully placing them in a small cardboard box. I swallow down an uncomfortable lump in my throat and feel the heat in my face, aware that I'm blushing. I say, "Mom starts her new position in Greenville, Monday morning. Apparently that is the reason for the big rush."
    "Hum," Mike grunts. He doesn't sound too impressed. I might be inclined to look at things more from mom's perspective, since I am going to have to live with her.
    I have a few hats, caps, scarves and sweaters on the top shelf of my closet. I will need to get a stool to reach them. Mike must have seen me studying them, for he comes up behind me. "Let me get that for you." Placing a hand on my shoulder, he reaches over me to grab a stack of caps. I feel his body press into my back side. It feels hard and muscular. He smells uniquely masculine. His deodorant, his shampoo, his shaving cream. A tingly warmth spreads throughout all my lady parts. All of a sudden, the room is getting very warm. I feel a little lightheaded. I notice that I am holding my breath and can't seem to exhale.
    Mike suddenly registers the contact between us. He senses that my body has gone rigid. He sweeps my hair ...