1. Twins Double Trouble

    Date: 7/11/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Exhibitionism First Time Incest Masturbation Reluctance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Author: Piglet838, Source: sexstories.com

    Twins Double Trouble
    It wasn't supposed to happen. Twins are pretty rare: about three percent of the population. Identical twins are much more rare, about 0.3%. And when there are identical twins born, 99.9% of them are of the same sex. But my sister and I are identical twins, and I am a guy. That's right. Identical twins, one male and the other female. We don't like to think of ourselves as freaks of nature, but I guess in a way, that's what we are.
    Enough with the boring numbers stuff. I should make proper introductions. My name is Michael. Just call me Mike. My sister is Makayla. My sister is older than me. By seventeen minutes. She likes to tease me on our birthday. For a few minutes she is a year older than me. We do look a lot alike, but you wouldn't have any trouble telling us apart, now. We both have thick brunette hair, but I keep mine fairly short. About like most guys, I guess. But Makayla has beautiful flowing hair that reaches more than half way down her back. Normally she just has it in a ponytail, but when she wants to dress up, she gets me to do French braids for her. Her lips are fuller than mine, her cheeks a little rounder, and she has developed breasts on her chest, which of course I lack. They are a size B, but they still make her stand out from me. We still like to dress alike, but my pants have a bulge in the crotch that Makayla does not have. I think you can guess why. We are both pretty tall, but I stand about two inches taller than ...
    ... Makayla.
    It wasn't always so. Before age eleven or twelve, even our parents had a hard time telling us apart. We both noticed that people who knew us would look at our crotch to tell us apart, once we were out of diapers. Even our parents would check for the bulge. Neither one of us liked it when people did that. We could both be ornery. Once, Makayla put a sock in the crotch of her pants as a prank. Mom then sat Makayla down on a bar stool and said, "It's time you got a little boys haircut." Mom thought she was giving the haircut to me because of her 'sock bulge.' We both got our laughs out of that one.
    Part of the reason for the increased difference in our appearance, now, is the hormone treatments that Makayla gets. It's due to a genetic flaw in the females of identical twins of mixed sex. The doctors started the hormones for her at about age thirteen. They say that we would still look alike if it were not for that. This treatment is causing some unwelcome changes, as far as Makayla is concerned. I thought about asking the doctor to give me the same hormones, but Makayla talked me out of it. She says that they make her feel awkward about her body. I think she looks great.
    Of course, I had awkward changes of another sort. I am growing hair all over. Dark hair is sprouting in my armpits, on my chest, around my crotch and on my face. I have to shave every morning. I feel horny like never before, waking up most mornings with a raging hard-on. And I notice that the bulge in my ...