1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... have been funny, but hard to explain to the Vice-chancellor," laughed Vicky, "Well, I'll tell my boss I won't be around for that weekend."
    "Great. I'll chase up a tent and a drone. Jacki and her brother are in the FUCKa 4WD club, so they should know someone I can borrow some stuff from."
    "I've got a big tent you can use," Damien said, smirking. "Wanna check it out?"
    Daryl looked at Vick, who rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Ok. I'll bite. Let's see it."
    He pushed back his chair and chopped his hands towards his crotch. "Here. It'll make you smile."
    Daryl sighed loudly and slowly leaned over the table, making sure he could stare into the abyss between her breasts. She looked up at him. "You're kidding? You plan to host a flea circus in there?" She pushed herself upright. "If that's the best you can do with a big pair of tits thrust in your face, then I doubt anyone would be interested in your... play tent."
    Damien blushed and glanced at his phone. "Gotta go. Need to buy a pen before class," he said as he scuttered away.
    "What a fucking goose," Daryl said as she sat back down to a smattering of applause from the rest of Vicky's class.
    (Riverina Recorder 27 Aug 1927 -Benanee Lands Available
    The first sub-division of Benanee lands has been gazetted, and applications may be lodged up to Tuesday, 18th October, 1927. There are altogether 62 blocks, in areas of from 1005 acres to 1497 acres, and the annual rent is from 5d to 6d per ...
    ... acre.)
    "You're taking firewood?" Jo asked. "Don't they have trees in New South?"
    Daryl laughed at the confused look on her friend's face. "Just a bag of split wood. I've been caught before either with only wet wood or the area stripped bare."
    "Don't see why you need it. It's not going to rain, and aren't you cooking on a gas stove?"
    "Yeah but drinking around a gas burner isn't the same. Anyway, why are you worried? Changed your mind about coming?"
    "Actually, I did think about it for a sec because Mum's got us going to some second cousin's engagement party and I really don't want to go. Lesser of two evils..."
    "Can't you just say no?"
    "Not now, unless I was dead. All family is expected to show up, if they're invited. It's a Chinese thing."
    "Fair enough. Well, maybe you'll pick up someone for a quickie."
    "Doubt it, but it will be an open bar. That's a plus."
    (Riverina Recorder 5 Nov 1927 - The Benanee Lands
    The first subdivision of Benanee lands on the Murray, between Euston and Balranald, under new conditions of settlement, in which the Irrigation Commission is to provide and guarantee supply of water for stock and domestic purposes on each farm, promises to be a success.)
    Daryl put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Instant up, my arse. I knew I should have gotten Blake to show me how it went together. Simples, he said..."
    "Well, it's only taken an hour to get the tent up and it's still ...