1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... that too, but my budget doesn't stretch that far. Besides, I don't mind camping in the bush." She looked down at Vicky, who was resting her head in her lap. "What about you, Vick? Still going after this piker's pulled out?"
    "Sure. You've got me interested in the area now. The camping side of things doesn't bother me, not that I've done much before. Is the department okay with the plan?"
    Daryl nodded. "Unofficially, yes, but I have to present my proposal to a panel in a couple of weeks. If they like it, then they'll give me the ok and a grant of two hundred dollars."
    "That's not bad. It'll cover your petrol, won't it?"
    "It'll go close, but I really wasn't expecting anything, so that's a bonus." Daz stood and stretched, then headed to the kitchen. "Better put the oven on. Pizza ain't going to cook in the freezer. Anyway, I was thinking of going the last weekend of October and rolling Cup Day into it. Maybe five days?"
    "Ooo, Halloween... Aren't you worried about ghosts, or bunyips, or yowies coming for you?" Jo sniggered.
    Daz looked over her shoulder and snorted, then pulled her pyjama pants down and twerked her bum. "Nope, and if they did exist, they can bite my big shiny arse."
    (Riverina Recorder 12 Mar 1927 -Settlement at Lake Benanee
    Mr. J. O. Watt has been appointed Engineer in Charge of the operations in connection with the channelling of the blocks to be thrown open at Lake Benanee.)
    "I feel ridiculous." Daryl tugged at her skirt, trying ...
    ... to get it to sit right.
    "You look great. You should wear a skirt more often," Vicky said, trying not to laugh at her friend's discomfort.
    "With these legs? I don't think so. Anyway, I don't see why I need to wear a shirt and skirt. It's the report they're interested in, not how I look."
    "Don't you believe that. Presentation is everything when money is involved," said Jo. "Undo another button and show more cleavage. They'll remember your boobs long after they've forgotten the content of the report, no matter how good it is. And they might give you a bit more cash for the flash."
    "Hmph. Fine. I guess that's a good point."
    "And you do have a couple of good points. Well worth displaying."
    "Flirt. But thanks."
    (Riverina Recorder 23 Apr 1927- Lette Tank
    The surveyed terminus of the proposed railway extension from Robinvale is 37 miles from Robinvale, and 27 miles from Lake Benanee. A large tank is being sunk by contractors at Lette, and water for horses and domestic purposes is being carted by motor transport three or four times a week, some considerable distance, owing to the scarcity of surface water.)
    "Hmm?" Vicky looked over her shoulder at Daryl, who had snuck up behind her and lightly tapped her shoulder in the cafeteria. "Oh, hi Daz. You look happy. They like it?"
    "Loved it. I was sure one of the professors was going to flop his dick out and cream himself, he was so excited," Daryl said, sliding into a chair beside Vicky.
    "That would ...