1. Collisions - A Crazy Sexy Lawyer Tale

    Date: 7/7/2024, Categories: Fiction Group Sex Male/Teen Female Pregnant, Wife Author: Limnophile, Source: sexstories.com

    ... then both would screw me, or vice versa.
    7. The weekend ended when we got together again for lunch on Sunday.
    We obeyed the cheat rules for three years.
    The judge's decision was priceless. He went on and on, for over ten pages, scolding our clients for their stupid and immature behavior.
    ".. and in conclusion, I find that neither of you is fit to captain a vessel at sea, or on the inland waters of this great country, until you complete a twenty-hour Coast Guard safety course. You will each also perform fifty hours community service, promoting boat safety. If I could take away your drivers’ licenses for this, I would be happy to do that too. It would serve you right, for wasting weeks of this court's time. For the safety of humankind, both of you are hereby prohibited from using any grill on or within 50 feet of any boat in the future."
    "To the matter of damages, (Alex) was slightly more at fault in this fiasco, so I order him to pay (Joe) fourteen dollars, the cost of the steaks that were ruined in the fire. I also order each of you to send flowers and a note, apologizing to the wives of your attorneys for ruining their weekend. Now get out of my court!"
    Tom used his fees to finish paying off his sailboat. The sixty grand I got from Joe was a big chunk of what I needed to buy Mary and I a nice RV.
    One Friday afternoon in June, I got a very surprising case, mostly surprising in the degree of asshattery required for it to happen. Sam was an old ...
    ... client of mine. He had bought a small airplane and THEN realized he needed a pilot's license to fly it.
    He signed up for training that started the next week and decided he would just have some fun taxiing the plane around on the ground at the small country airfield where it was based. Other than going fast and making a lot of noise, he had no idea what he was doing.
    Craig was driving his pickup truck near the airfield and wasn't paying attention due to the blowjob his new girlfriend was giving him. He drove across the middle of the airstrip, right in front of the plane. Sam panicked when he saw the truck. He yanked the yoke back to try taking off, but wasn't going fast enough. The plane surged into the air briefly and crashed on top of the truck upside-down. Amazingly, the only injury was a bite to Craig's scrotum and the loss of a testicle. I was relieved that it was after three and I could go home soon.
    After my crazy week, I was really looking forward to 'Cheat Weekend'. I loved my wife Mary more than anything, but Donna was also hot and a nice way to spice things up occasionally.
    As I walked in the door, Mary met me as she was about to go somewhere. She said, "Sorry, but something came up with Tom, so we're not getting together for cheat weekend this time. Kate got you a Father’s Day present a few days early."
    I had forgotten Father’s Day was that weekend. I asked, "Where are you going? Is Kate coming over?"
    She said, "We’ll be busy until Sunday night. ...