1. Collisions - A Crazy Sexy Lawyer Tale

    Date: 7/7/2024, Categories: Fiction Group Sex Male/Teen Female Pregnant, Wife Author: Limnophile, Source: sexstories.com

    ... woman came in and kissed me. I don't know why, but I liked it and kissed her back. I'm so sorry Ben. I would never mean to hurt you. Please don't hate me!"
    "So, did you do more than kiss? Are you going to see her again? Did you fuck her?"
    "No! I would never cheat on you! I don't even know her name! It was just a kiss, and I feel so bad!"
    "So, are you a lesbian now? Are you divorcing me?"
    "NO! Ben, no! I love you! I love you more than anything! I don't want anything to change. If I didn't tell you, you might never have known, but I'm being honest and telling you! Please! I'm so sorry!"
    Tears started to pour from her eyes as she hugged me tightly.
    I hugged her back and kissed her cheek. "It's ok Mary. I forgive you. I love you too."
    Under other circumstances, I would have made a smartass comment about 'no kissing girls unless you share'.
    I was so relieved and happy Mary wasn't leaving me, I just kept hugging her.
    The next morning before work I went to the gym for my usual Tuesday/Friday workout. Tom and I had been gym buddies for a few years and played basketball most Wednesday nights with our friends too. He was an attorney too, and unhappy with his unreasonable boss. We had a conversation as we lifted and spotted for each other. I told him, "Tom, if you're willing to jump ship, I can get you in our firm as a junior partner. You could skip over associate. Technically, I'd be your boss, but I think you'd be happier?" He said he would think ...
    ... about it.
    On Friday morning he said he was still thinking it over and added, "Today is going to suck. I'm busy all day, and my first client is a total prick. He's such a jerk his last lawyer quit on him three days ago."
    I sympathized, "My first one of the day is a dickhead too. The case doesn't even make sense. He's going to spend three times as much on my fees as the amount he might get, and that's only if he wins."
    "Have a better one. See you next week."
    I got to court a few minutes early and waited for the clerk to call the stupid case for my stupid client. When the case was called, my client Sam and I walked up to the plaintiffs' table and had a seat. The respondent Alex sat down, and I was surprised to see he was represented by my pal Tom!
    The judge said, "You may begin."
    "Your honor, may I speak with opposing counsel?"
    "Ok, but make it quick."
    Tom and I had an idea.
    "Your honor, we would like to postpone this matter and attempt to reach a settlement. I think we found a way to work this out."
    "If I don't need to waste another day of the court's time on this, that's fine with me. Case will continue..." He looked at the calendar "... 2pm on the 23rd of next month, unless you reach a settlement by then."
    Tom and I brought our clients out in the hall. He floated our idea, "Neither of you really care about the money. He's a rich music star, and you're a successful businessman. This is about pride and which of you is right." They both nodded.
    I ...