1. Mistress Cruel Love - Chapter 4 - Mein Herrin! I Can Dance!

    Date: 7/5/2024, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Black, Bondage and restriction Consensual Sex Discipline, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Female Domination, Hardcore Humiliation Interracial, Masturbation Oral Sex Pegging, Plumper, Reluctance Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Spanking, Threesome Toys, Transvestite, Voyeurism Author: [James Bondage], Source: sexstories.com

    ... affirmatively. Strings of drool streamed down from the thick leather gag pulled harshly between his teeth.
    “Ugh...” She turned back to Heather, shaking her head. “I swear, this one's bladder is the size of a pea. I really do need to get going, but I'll be in touch. We'll plan the party for next weekend, if that works for you?”
    “Absolutely!” Heather said with a beaming smile. “Again, thank you so much!”
    “No thanks needed, my dear. I'm going to savor this event! Everything from the planning to the party itself. Enjoy the rest of the night! We'll talk more tomorrow.”
    “I will, Beatrice. Talk to you soon!” Heather nodded.
    The Domina whipped Harold's ass for interrupting her and then slapped the reigns on her team of slaves. They marched toward the lobby with Beatrice in tow, berating them the whole way.
    Heather walked back into the carnival of debauchery with a giddy smile. Maybe she would look around a while longer before going to fetch Darius...
    * * * * *
    Markus gritted his teeth as each loud swat of the large wooden paddle made his ass cheeks vibrate and burn. He was bent over the side of a bondage table with his pants down, taking sting after sting. His boxers did very little to help cushion the blows.
    It was a red-headed Domme with an Irish accent currently paddling him. She was a small woman, but anyone being spanked by her who hadn't seen her first would've been fooled. The surprisingly ...
    ... strong Domina reached back and sent every stroke of the paddle into his ass with blistering force.
    'Oh shit! I lost count! OWW! FUCK!!! I can't take many more...'
    It took another chunk out of his ego, but he shouted the safe word and the beating ceased. The haughty Domme tossed her paddle on the table with a loud clatter and it came to a stop just in front of Markus. She put her hands on her hips and looked down at him with a scornful expression that clearly read: 'Is that it, bitch?'
    Shireen giggled and thanked the Mistress of Paddling as Markus pulled his pants back up. They exited the room with Markus hissing in bruised anguish. Shireen wore the biggest smile he'd ever seen.
    His ass was brutally sore as they made their way back downstairs. Shireen followed him at a deliberately slow pace, enjoying every second he waddled and grimaced in pain. He'd taken twenty three strong swats to his cheeks before bailing. Not overly impressive, but not bad for someone as obviously inexperienced as Markus.
    “Agghhh! Damn, that woman can dish it out!”
    “Stronger than you imagined, hmmm? Most women are, you know.”
    “Yeah, yeah... I get it” Markus grumbled.
    They reached the ground floor and Shireen walked past him, heading in the direction of the bathrooms. “I need to freshen up. This way.”
    He followed her down a long line of red leather booths. The women at several tables eyed him as the couple ...